One run in two weeks does not make for a happy me. I've been snowed in, the gym was closed for the holidays and we traveled to PA. (I was planning on running but it poured the whole time.) Add to that holiday cookies and general bad eating and I am not a happy camper! Oh yeah, the other bad thing is that I got my drivers license renewal (we do it every 10 years) and my weight listed on the last one was 135. Okay, I may have fudged a little bit, but lets just say I'm no where near that now.
It's time for a change. Big time.
What does it take to get serious about losing weight? I certainly don't know the answer to that. I think it has to come from inside a person. I know that no one can make someone else lose weight. Maybe at first, but not for the long run. I've been talking about losing that last 10 pounds for the longest time and haven't done it. I don't know if I'm there, but I do know I'm sick of it. That last 10 pounds has turned into 15 and it's not pretty. Now when I talk about losing weight, my goal isn't to be stick thin. I know I'm pushing 40 and 4 babies has done a doosy on my abs. I just want to feel better- to now have that roll when I sit down and to maybe lose one of my chins. I don't think I'm asking too much.
So what's the plan? I'm actually not sure. I'm trying something a little crazy for me, but why not. Here it is: first of all I'm going to write down everything I eat. Everything. I'm so bad at this. I cheat all the time. Not this time. I'm writing down everything. Secondly, I'm eating salads for breakfast. Never done that before. That comes from the book "Born to Run" which I highly recommend. I ate one today and so far am feeling great. After those two things, I'm just going to try to eat more natural and cut out sugar and to increase my water intake. I think those things along with running and adding some serious core work to my running will make the difference.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Princess 1/2 take 2
I registered for the Princess Half today. I hope it was just what I needed after struggling these past few weeks. I had a bad 5 mile run last week and couldn't run this weekend because of the huge snowstorm we had. 2 feet of snow fell on us. We lost power and water for 24 hours. Not pretty. Which leads me to a funny story; kind of.
So, my husband gets home early yesterday because the roads are bad (remember that little fact, it's important to the story). He made it into work but no one showed up because they were smart enough to stay home; so he thought he'd go back home too. However he had an errand to run so he suggested he take the girls with him and why don't I go for a run while he was gone. Now this is the same man who suggested we sprint out of the blocks in a 5K we ran together some years back and I listened to him and almost puked. Overall, he's a very smart man. There are just some things that he says that I've learned I should ignore. Obviously, I haven't quite learned enough. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
After my initial thoughts of "No way! Are you crazy?", I thought it might be fun. The last time I ran in the snow was in high school. It was actually during a snowstorm and it was awesome! I had so much fun. Well, I got on my running stuff and headed out the door. It started out great. The roads were packed with snow, but so much so that I wasn't slipping. It was gorgeous outside, the sun was shining and it looked like a winter wonderland. I hit patches of ice and slush but was careful and took much smaller steps than usual. I got to the end of my subdivision (suicide hill, as I affectionately call it) when it happened. I bit it. It was the kind of fall when the first thing you do is look around to see if anyone saw it because you know you looked like a complete idiot (Jackie- if you're reading this I know you know what I mean.) My legs just flew out from under me and I twisted to the right side. As I was about to land with all my weight on my right hand, I decided it would be better to roll. So roll I did. Not pretty. I landed on my right shoulder and my right middle finger and then rolled and slid on the ice. It retrospect, it was pretty funny and I'm sure if someone did see it, they laughed their head off.
I was a little shaken but continued to run back down the hill. But my confidence was shot and every time I got to a little ice, I walked. It's amazing how I was able to run the whole way out and I must have slipped 3o times on my way home. So I ran, walked and slid the rest of the way home. At one point I had to stop and wait in someones driveway as two snow plows went by. I chuckled to myself as I waved to them. They must have thought I was crazy.
The best part of this story is when I got home, my family wasn't home. I thought they should have been so I called my husband on his cell. Turns out he got the van stuck on a hill and had to have a guy help him push the car out. I couldn't believe it!
I think the lesson of the story is that we both should have stayed home. Now the dilema facing me tomorrow is that I'm supposed to run 5 miles and my gym is closed in the morning. Do I dare face the roads again?
So, my husband gets home early yesterday because the roads are bad (remember that little fact, it's important to the story). He made it into work but no one showed up because they were smart enough to stay home; so he thought he'd go back home too. However he had an errand to run so he suggested he take the girls with him and why don't I go for a run while he was gone. Now this is the same man who suggested we sprint out of the blocks in a 5K we ran together some years back and I listened to him and almost puked. Overall, he's a very smart man. There are just some things that he says that I've learned I should ignore. Obviously, I haven't quite learned enough. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
After my initial thoughts of "No way! Are you crazy?", I thought it might be fun. The last time I ran in the snow was in high school. It was actually during a snowstorm and it was awesome! I had so much fun. Well, I got on my running stuff and headed out the door. It started out great. The roads were packed with snow, but so much so that I wasn't slipping. It was gorgeous outside, the sun was shining and it looked like a winter wonderland. I hit patches of ice and slush but was careful and took much smaller steps than usual. I got to the end of my subdivision (suicide hill, as I affectionately call it) when it happened. I bit it. It was the kind of fall when the first thing you do is look around to see if anyone saw it because you know you looked like a complete idiot (Jackie- if you're reading this I know you know what I mean.) My legs just flew out from under me and I twisted to the right side. As I was about to land with all my weight on my right hand, I decided it would be better to roll. So roll I did. Not pretty. I landed on my right shoulder and my right middle finger and then rolled and slid on the ice. It retrospect, it was pretty funny and I'm sure if someone did see it, they laughed their head off.
I was a little shaken but continued to run back down the hill. But my confidence was shot and every time I got to a little ice, I walked. It's amazing how I was able to run the whole way out and I must have slipped 3o times on my way home. So I ran, walked and slid the rest of the way home. At one point I had to stop and wait in someones driveway as two snow plows went by. I chuckled to myself as I waved to them. They must have thought I was crazy.
The best part of this story is when I got home, my family wasn't home. I thought they should have been so I called my husband on his cell. Turns out he got the van stuck on a hill and had to have a guy help him push the car out. I couldn't believe it!
I think the lesson of the story is that we both should have stayed home. Now the dilema facing me tomorrow is that I'm supposed to run 5 miles and my gym is closed in the morning. Do I dare face the roads again?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Where do I go from here?
I did it again. I abandoned my blog. I just wasn't feeling very bloggerish (yes, that is an original word) after my tri. I'm mad at myself. Mostly because I've just come off of running 2 marathons and I have nothing to show for it. I spent all summer training and learning all kinds of fascinating things about myself and I have no record of it. There's no going back re-reading what it was like to train; where I struggled and what my days were like. What's the fun in that?
So the obvious question is "What's next?" Where do I go now? Do I abandon my blog? I don't want to because in all seriousness, it is so good for me to re-read my blogs. I just don't know if I have time....
While I'm contemplating that question, I've decided my next race is going to be the Princess Half- again. I'm going to break 2 hours this time. Period. I've learned some things through my marathon training that I hope will help me. I can't believe it's 12 weeks away! I was also planning on doing a round of Jillian and finally getting that personal trainer. (That was my last birthday present. The goal is to use it before this birthday!) One thing I know is this: If I don't drop some weight and seriously work on my core; I will not be getting any faster.
Okay, so those are the things that are on my mind (along with 100,000 other things but who has time to go into all those now?). What a rambling blog...
So the obvious question is "What's next?" Where do I go now? Do I abandon my blog? I don't want to because in all seriousness, it is so good for me to re-read my blogs. I just don't know if I have time....
While I'm contemplating that question, I've decided my next race is going to be the Princess Half- again. I'm going to break 2 hours this time. Period. I've learned some things through my marathon training that I hope will help me. I can't believe it's 12 weeks away! I was also planning on doing a round of Jillian and finally getting that personal trainer. (That was my last birthday present. The goal is to use it before this birthday!) One thing I know is this: If I don't drop some weight and seriously work on my core; I will not be getting any faster.
Okay, so those are the things that are on my mind (along with 100,000 other things but who has time to go into all those now?). What a rambling blog...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Unofficial Columbia Race Report
The good news is that there was no rain. I woke up at 4AM and checked the weather forecast which indicated no rain in sight. What a relief! I was able to eat something, unlike last year when I couldn't stomach any food because I was so nervous. We got to the race around 5:30. (Note to self: this is way too late. We had to wait forever to park and were parked much further away.) The start of the race was delayed 30 minutes due to traffic issues. I watched the first few waves go off and then headed to my start.
The race director announced that my age group was the largest (they split us in half), and my wave had the most women in it. Boy, could I tell! It was way more packed than last year. I had a really hard time getting into any rhythm. I did a LOT of breast stroke and finally got into a pattern of alternating between breast and freestyle.... that is until I got kicked in the face and my goggles almost came off. That's when I decided breast stroke is the way to go. I have no idea what my time was, but I felt much better getting out of the water (didn't feel like I was going to puke) and I actually ran (slowly) through transition. It still felt slow, but I didn't struggle as much as last year.
The bike started off well as I passed several women right off the bat. I was determined to do better on the bike this year, but honestly, I still struggled. I felt like I really pushed the downhills, but the uphills were still a challenge. This is really a weak area for me. I got passed- not as much as last year, but still more than I wanted to. I think I went faster than last year, but not as much as I wanted.
T2 (transition from bike to run) was good. I won't beat my time from last year because my bike rack position was terrible. Hopefully next year it will be better, but it also could be worse. Nothing I can do about this. I did the best I could.
The run... oh the run was terrible! My legs were very weak at the start but I felt like I was somewhat pushing it. I checked my time at a mile and it was 9:50. Yuck! I probably would have been better off not checking it as I think it discouraged me. My legs were shot from the bike. There are two very large hills on the run and I walked them both. This is the girl who ran 16 miles last weekend. I tried to will my legs to feel better, but they wouldn't. I think the heat actually played a factor because I didn't start my race until right before 8 so it was 10 as I was running and very hot and humid. I pulled myself together on the last mile (I knew it was flat from last year) and was really able to pick up the pace. I still passed a lot of women on the run, but I thought I'd be able to shave a few minutes off my time.
I was disappointed at the end of the race. I didn't immediately know my time but knew I didn't make my goal. I would even be surprised if I beat my time from last year. They are supposed to have a printout for you of all your splits within 20 minutes of finishing, but they were having technical problems, so I never got it. I was able to get my official time which was 2:13:55- almost exactly 2 minutes faster than last year. I was somewhat disappointed, but it didn't last long. I'm thankful that I could compete again this year. I learned a lot and I'll take any improvement in time that I can get.
I am an iron girl!
The race director announced that my age group was the largest (they split us in half), and my wave had the most women in it. Boy, could I tell! It was way more packed than last year. I had a really hard time getting into any rhythm. I did a LOT of breast stroke and finally got into a pattern of alternating between breast and freestyle.... that is until I got kicked in the face and my goggles almost came off. That's when I decided breast stroke is the way to go. I have no idea what my time was, but I felt much better getting out of the water (didn't feel like I was going to puke) and I actually ran (slowly) through transition. It still felt slow, but I didn't struggle as much as last year.
The bike started off well as I passed several women right off the bat. I was determined to do better on the bike this year, but honestly, I still struggled. I felt like I really pushed the downhills, but the uphills were still a challenge. This is really a weak area for me. I got passed- not as much as last year, but still more than I wanted to. I think I went faster than last year, but not as much as I wanted.
T2 (transition from bike to run) was good. I won't beat my time from last year because my bike rack position was terrible. Hopefully next year it will be better, but it also could be worse. Nothing I can do about this. I did the best I could.
The run... oh the run was terrible! My legs were very weak at the start but I felt like I was somewhat pushing it. I checked my time at a mile and it was 9:50. Yuck! I probably would have been better off not checking it as I think it discouraged me. My legs were shot from the bike. There are two very large hills on the run and I walked them both. This is the girl who ran 16 miles last weekend. I tried to will my legs to feel better, but they wouldn't. I think the heat actually played a factor because I didn't start my race until right before 8 so it was 10 as I was running and very hot and humid. I pulled myself together on the last mile (I knew it was flat from last year) and was really able to pick up the pace. I still passed a lot of women on the run, but I thought I'd be able to shave a few minutes off my time.
I was disappointed at the end of the race. I didn't immediately know my time but knew I didn't make my goal. I would even be surprised if I beat my time from last year. They are supposed to have a printout for you of all your splits within 20 minutes of finishing, but they were having technical problems, so I never got it. I was able to get my official time which was 2:13:55- almost exactly 2 minutes faster than last year. I was somewhat disappointed, but it didn't last long. I'm thankful that I could compete again this year. I learned a lot and I'll take any improvement in time that I can get.
I am an iron girl!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Rain, rain go away....
I'm here.
It's raining.
I think it's going to rain in the morning, but clear up around 10AM....when I'm finished. Oh well, I'm 2 for 2 on doing triathlons in the rain this summer.
At the moment I'm not super nervous. I was earlier, but I've calmed down a lot. I'm looking forward to the race tomorrow. I think the anticipation and the hype of this race in particular makes it even harder.
My bike placement isn't as good as last year. It's near the beginning of the bike start. That will be good when I'm leaving the swim, but bad when I'm returning my bike before the run. Oh well...
I'm ready, I'm excited and I'm going to do my best no matter what the weather conditions are.
It's raining.
I think it's going to rain in the morning, but clear up around 10AM....when I'm finished. Oh well, I'm 2 for 2 on doing triathlons in the rain this summer.
At the moment I'm not super nervous. I was earlier, but I've calmed down a lot. I'm looking forward to the race tomorrow. I think the anticipation and the hype of this race in particular makes it even harder.
My bike placement isn't as good as last year. It's near the beginning of the bike start. That will be good when I'm leaving the swim, but bad when I'm returning my bike before the run. Oh well...
I'm ready, I'm excited and I'm going to do my best no matter what the weather conditions are.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
3 days....
I'm done with my workouts. Totally. Yesterday I swam in the morning and ran with my 2 oldest in the evening (3+ miles). This morning I slept in. YEAH! There will be no more workouts until the real thing. Tomorrow we head up to PA and then back down to MD on Saturday.
So... I'm making myself post my goals. As my good friend Barbara knows, I never reveal my "real" goal. It's actually a very complicated three tiered system where I calculate different sets of goals based on three possible outcomes: if I have a bad day, my probably goal, and my "this is what I really want to happen" goal. (This is the one I keep to myself.) I'm sure I'll pay some counselor big bucks someday to try to figure out the root of my goal issues (I'll just save myself some money and somehow blame it on my mom :))
Got all that? Here it goes:
My time from last year was 2:15:48. I placed 176th out of 334. Not even in the top half. So, my #1 goal is to at least finish in the top half, reagardless of time. The breakdown of my time was: swim 23:53 (153rd) T1 4:09 (185th) bike 1:13:57 (223rd ouch!) T2 1:17 (46th) run 32:34 (104th).
Based on last year, the places where I can improve the most are the bike and transition #1. I felt awful getting out of the water last year (like I was going to puke) and I walked to my bike. I can't predict if that will go better this year. Obviously the bike is weak. I hope my last few weeks of training will help that. I do know I'm way more comfortable on it. I'm hoping to take at least 5 minutes off the bike.
My T2 time was amazing, but it had more to do with where my bike was racked than me. It was very close to the end of the bike and the run start was close too. That was all luck. It could be really different this year and my time won't be as good.
I'm also hoping to take some time off the run. With my marathon training, I'm hoping that 3.4 miles won't be so hard. Last year I had way too much energy left at the end, so I'm hoping to push a little harder.
I think I can take around 6 minutes total off my time. A lot depends on bike rack position. I think my swim went way faster than I thought it would last year and I won't be surprised if that number goes up this year. Basically it will be a successful day for me if my bike is faster and my run is faster and I feel like I gave it everything I have.
So... I'm making myself post my goals. As my good friend Barbara knows, I never reveal my "real" goal. It's actually a very complicated three tiered system where I calculate different sets of goals based on three possible outcomes: if I have a bad day, my probably goal, and my "this is what I really want to happen" goal. (This is the one I keep to myself.) I'm sure I'll pay some counselor big bucks someday to try to figure out the root of my goal issues (I'll just save myself some money and somehow blame it on my mom :))
Got all that? Here it goes:
My time from last year was 2:15:48. I placed 176th out of 334. Not even in the top half. So, my #1 goal is to at least finish in the top half, reagardless of time. The breakdown of my time was: swim 23:53 (153rd) T1 4:09 (185th) bike 1:13:57 (223rd ouch!) T2 1:17 (46th) run 32:34 (104th).
Based on last year, the places where I can improve the most are the bike and transition #1. I felt awful getting out of the water last year (like I was going to puke) and I walked to my bike. I can't predict if that will go better this year. Obviously the bike is weak. I hope my last few weeks of training will help that. I do know I'm way more comfortable on it. I'm hoping to take at least 5 minutes off the bike.
My T2 time was amazing, but it had more to do with where my bike was racked than me. It was very close to the end of the bike and the run start was close too. That was all luck. It could be really different this year and my time won't be as good.
I'm also hoping to take some time off the run. With my marathon training, I'm hoping that 3.4 miles won't be so hard. Last year I had way too much energy left at the end, so I'm hoping to push a little harder.
I think I can take around 6 minutes total off my time. A lot depends on bike rack position. I think my swim went way faster than I thought it would last year and I won't be surprised if that number goes up this year. Basically it will be a successful day for me if my bike is faster and my run is faster and I feel like I gave it everything I have.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
4 days....
I'm starting to get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think about the race. It's a good thing. I'm nervous, but it's a good nervous.
GREAT NEWS! The weather forecast has changed from 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms on race day to mosty sunny skies, 82 degrees and only 20% chance of rain. That's a major stress relief for me.
I swam this morning. I wasn't really into it. It was mostly just to loosen up and get a short workout in. I'm toying with doing one last brick tonight. The problem is I have a meeting at 7 and don't know if I have time to squeeze one in. I'll be fine without it but will feel better if I do it.
Tomorrow's blog... my time goals!
GREAT NEWS! The weather forecast has changed from 60% chance of scattered thunderstorms on race day to mosty sunny skies, 82 degrees and only 20% chance of rain. That's a major stress relief for me.
I swam this morning. I wasn't really into it. It was mostly just to loosen up and get a short workout in. I'm toying with doing one last brick tonight. The problem is I have a meeting at 7 and don't know if I have time to squeeze one in. I'll be fine without it but will feel better if I do it.
Tomorrow's blog... my time goals!
Monday, August 17, 2009
5 days- Oh my!
I've reached the end of my training and tomorrow starts the taper. What a day it was!
5:40 AM- swim 50 lengths
1:30 take girls to pool for 2 1/2 hours
5:00 make something up for dinner- it turned out to be salsa chicken, quinoa and green beans.
5:20 Barbara arrives to watch the girls while hubby and I bike with some friends. Thank you Barbara!
5:40 leave for 18-20 mile ride
7:30 return from 26 mile bike ride (yes, that is correct!), throw on shoes and go for a 1 mile run (think brick).
8:00 put little girls down and sit in front of computer in a daze.
What a great way to end my training! I'm exhausted, but happy.
5:40 AM- swim 50 lengths
1:30 take girls to pool for 2 1/2 hours
5:00 make something up for dinner- it turned out to be salsa chicken, quinoa and green beans.
5:20 Barbara arrives to watch the girls while hubby and I bike with some friends. Thank you Barbara!
5:40 leave for 18-20 mile ride
7:30 return from 26 mile bike ride (yes, that is correct!), throw on shoes and go for a 1 mile run (think brick).
8:00 put little girls down and sit in front of computer in a daze.
What a great way to end my training! I'm exhausted, but happy.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
9 days and counting....
Today is an off day- a very much needed off day. Yesterday I swam and biked. The bike was good, the swim was not. I was so tired when I got up at 5 that I was fighting to keep my eyes open on the way to the pool. I got in 40+ laps (lost count), but couldn't shake the tiredness. I ended up taking a nap around 11:30 AM. It helped tremendously! Later on, I went for a 10 mile bike ride (6:30 PM), and it was great! My legs felt strong and my time was great. I think that 18 mile bike ride on Monday really helped.
I woke up at 7:30 today- didn't feel refreshed, but I know it was good for me. I'm going to try to drink a lot of water today, stretch a little, and just chill. I may even sneak a little nap in there too :)
I woke up at 7:30 today- didn't feel refreshed, but I know it was good for me. I'm going to try to drink a lot of water today, stretch a little, and just chill. I may even sneak a little nap in there too :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
11 days to go...
I should title this my training plan. I have 11 days left until my tri. I'm going to focus on two things- more biking and putting some "bricks" together. (That's when you go from one event to the next without stopping.) Today's workout was a wash, which is okay because I've had some hard workouts the past few days.
Saturday was a 15 mile run. I'm putting my splits here just so I can remember them. My long run pace should be around a 10:15-10:30. I was supposed to do 25 minutes of marathon pace (9:40) thrown in. I was able to do that. The first 13 miles were great, but the last 2 were really hard. I took an ice bath for the first time and it was extremely painful, but I think it really helped me recover.
My splits:
Mile 1-10:29
Mile 2-10:11
Mile 3-9:52
Mile 4 10:01
Mile 5-10:12
Mile 6-9:57
Mile 7-10:15
Mile 8-10:08
Mile 9-9:53
Mile 10-9:36
Mile 11-9:22
Mile 12-10:11
Mile 13-10:19
Miles 14-15 I don't actually know how far I went there. I had to add on mileage and it wasn't marked. My time as 18:55 for both.
Sunday I went for a short bike ride with a good friend. It was a good way to loosen my legs.
Yesterday I swam in the morning and biked 18 miles in the evening. I have a reason to be tired!
Here's my plan until the tri:
8/12- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm (hard)
8/13- off
8/14- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm
8/15- 16 mile long run
8/16- long bike (18+ miles)
8/17- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm
8/18- off (possibly do 8 mile run that is scheduled)
8/19 short brick- bike and run (last workout before tri)
My hope is that I don't tire myself out too much. I'm walking that fine line between being really ready and overtraining.
Saturday was a 15 mile run. I'm putting my splits here just so I can remember them. My long run pace should be around a 10:15-10:30. I was supposed to do 25 minutes of marathon pace (9:40) thrown in. I was able to do that. The first 13 miles were great, but the last 2 were really hard. I took an ice bath for the first time and it was extremely painful, but I think it really helped me recover.
My splits:
Mile 1-10:29
Mile 2-10:11
Mile 3-9:52
Mile 4 10:01
Mile 5-10:12
Mile 6-9:57
Mile 7-10:15
Mile 8-10:08
Mile 9-9:53
Mile 10-9:36
Mile 11-9:22
Mile 12-10:11
Mile 13-10:19
Miles 14-15 I don't actually know how far I went there. I had to add on mileage and it wasn't marked. My time as 18:55 for both.
Sunday I went for a short bike ride with a good friend. It was a good way to loosen my legs.
Yesterday I swam in the morning and biked 18 miles in the evening. I have a reason to be tired!
Here's my plan until the tri:
8/12- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm (hard)
8/13- off
8/14- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm
8/15- 16 mile long run
8/16- long bike (18+ miles)
8/17- swim in the morning, bike 10 miles in the pm
8/18- off (possibly do 8 mile run that is scheduled)
8/19 short brick- bike and run (last workout before tri)
My hope is that I don't tire myself out too much. I'm walking that fine line between being really ready and overtraining.
Should have stayed in bed!
I was scheduled for an 8 mile run this morning. The plan was to go to the gym and use the treadmill as it's been very hot and humid here. The temp was supposed to be 74 at 5 AM. I figured it would be better for me to stay inside. I was also supposed to do some tempo work so I thought a treadmill would be good for that too. I woke up at 5 and felt very tired. It took me until 5:30 to get myself together and head out the door. On the way to the gym I decided to turn around because I was running so late it would be a stretch for me to finish my workout before hubby had to leave for work. It was getting light out anyway.
As soon as I started to run I knew it was going to be ugly. I felt like I was barely moving. I was soaked from sweat almost immediately. I struggled for almost 2 miles and decided it wasn't worth it. I knew if I kept runing I'd end up hurting myself.... so I walked. I ended up meeting a woman from my neighborhood who is also training to run the Richmond Marathon. It was so nice to talk to her and I ended up being so glad I walked. I ran/walked 4 miles. Not what I intended, but I'm glad I didn't stay in bed afterall!
As soon as I started to run I knew it was going to be ugly. I felt like I was barely moving. I was soaked from sweat almost immediately. I struggled for almost 2 miles and decided it wasn't worth it. I knew if I kept runing I'd end up hurting myself.... so I walked. I ended up meeting a woman from my neighborhood who is also training to run the Richmond Marathon. It was so nice to talk to her and I ended up being so glad I walked. I ran/walked 4 miles. Not what I intended, but I'm glad I didn't stay in bed afterall!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Culpeper Sprint
Once again, I've been bad about posting. My runs have been going great- my longest is 13. The leg feels awesome! I've been swimming 3x a week and feel pretty good about that too. The problem is the bike. I haven't been out on the road in over 6 weeks. I've been on my trainer 2x a week for 45-50 minutes but it's not the same.
My goal for this tri was to use it as a training run for the Columbia. I wanted to get some open water swim practice in and also get on my bike. I knew I'd get killed on the bike but at least I'd be getting an actual bike ride in. I wasn't worried about the run.
I drove up to Culpeper Saturday afternoon to pick up my packet and look at the race course. It's a 16 mile bike course and it was very pretty. It starts out on a big hill and is rolling from there. There are some sharp turns along the way, but it didn't seem too bad. The run was hilly, but again, I wasn't worried about the run.
Sunday morning we left the house at 5:50 and the sky was very overcast. I was stressing about the weather all week because I didn't want to ride my bike on wet roads. We got all settled with about 15 minutes to spare and hung out by the water. My goal for the swim was to do more freestyle. I wss the 4th wave and I started on the outside because I didn't want to get kicked. The swim actually went pretty well. Except for a few wayward swimmers running into me, I didn't get stuck. I swam way more freestyle which was good, I think. My dilema here is that I swim breast stroke about as fast as I swim freestyle. Not a good thing. I figure with both being equal, I'd pick breast every time because I can see. I'll have to work more on that. I was encouraged because when I did do free, I swam really straight.
I took my time in transition because I wasn't "racing" and I didn't care. Also, apparently my oldest daughter has been using my bike helmet. Because I haven't actually been riding my bike, the first time I put it on was as I was about to start the bike leg. It was way tighter than I usually wear it. There was no time to fix it so I wore a super tight helmet. It was lightly raining as I started the bike. This turned into pouring and I got to the point when I just wanted it to be over. I got passed so many times it started making me mad. I knew I wasn't going to do well, but I still hate to get passed. I don't mean just someone getting in front of me. These people were flying by me like I was standing still. Not fun. There is a very sharp turn at the end of the bike that I was praying about as I was riding. I didn't care how slow I went, I just didn't want to fall off my bike. I made it and off to the run I went.
My transition was good- except for getting the helmet off. I couldn't. It was tight and I actually contemplated what I would do if I had to run in it. Luckily, I managed to get it off. When I started, my legs were dead. I seriously couldn't feel my toes. My socks were soaking and I felt like I was shuffling. I haven't practiced any "bricks" and I can tell I need to. It took about a mile to get feeling back in my legs, but then I felt pretty good. I passed tons of people which felt good. I finished strong and as usual had way too much energy when I finished.
I was completely exhausted after I was done. I was just so happy to have it over with. I need to seriously work on my bike in the next three weeks. I also need to work on some bricks to get my legs used to going from one event to the next. On a good note, I'm not sore today. I was going to swim this morning but decided my body would appreciate the rest.
My goal for this tri was to use it as a training run for the Columbia. I wanted to get some open water swim practice in and also get on my bike. I knew I'd get killed on the bike but at least I'd be getting an actual bike ride in. I wasn't worried about the run.
I drove up to Culpeper Saturday afternoon to pick up my packet and look at the race course. It's a 16 mile bike course and it was very pretty. It starts out on a big hill and is rolling from there. There are some sharp turns along the way, but it didn't seem too bad. The run was hilly, but again, I wasn't worried about the run.
Sunday morning we left the house at 5:50 and the sky was very overcast. I was stressing about the weather all week because I didn't want to ride my bike on wet roads. We got all settled with about 15 minutes to spare and hung out by the water. My goal for the swim was to do more freestyle. I wss the 4th wave and I started on the outside because I didn't want to get kicked. The swim actually went pretty well. Except for a few wayward swimmers running into me, I didn't get stuck. I swam way more freestyle which was good, I think. My dilema here is that I swim breast stroke about as fast as I swim freestyle. Not a good thing. I figure with both being equal, I'd pick breast every time because I can see. I'll have to work more on that. I was encouraged because when I did do free, I swam really straight.
I took my time in transition because I wasn't "racing" and I didn't care. Also, apparently my oldest daughter has been using my bike helmet. Because I haven't actually been riding my bike, the first time I put it on was as I was about to start the bike leg. It was way tighter than I usually wear it. There was no time to fix it so I wore a super tight helmet. It was lightly raining as I started the bike. This turned into pouring and I got to the point when I just wanted it to be over. I got passed so many times it started making me mad. I knew I wasn't going to do well, but I still hate to get passed. I don't mean just someone getting in front of me. These people were flying by me like I was standing still. Not fun. There is a very sharp turn at the end of the bike that I was praying about as I was riding. I didn't care how slow I went, I just didn't want to fall off my bike. I made it and off to the run I went.
My transition was good- except for getting the helmet off. I couldn't. It was tight and I actually contemplated what I would do if I had to run in it. Luckily, I managed to get it off. When I started, my legs were dead. I seriously couldn't feel my toes. My socks were soaking and I felt like I was shuffling. I haven't practiced any "bricks" and I can tell I need to. It took about a mile to get feeling back in my legs, but then I felt pretty good. I passed tons of people which felt good. I finished strong and as usual had way too much energy when I finished.
I was completely exhausted after I was done. I was just so happy to have it over with. I need to seriously work on my bike in the next three weeks. I also need to work on some bricks to get my legs used to going from one event to the next. On a good note, I'm not sore today. I was going to swim this morning but decided my body would appreciate the rest.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Hanover Liberty 10K Race Report
I was in PA this weekend and planned on running a 10K to replace my tradition of running a local 5K. (I tried really hard to find a 5K, but had no success. In fact, we had to drive over 30 minutes just to run this one. I am spoiled living in such a running community.) The plan was for DH and I to run the 10K and my SIL was going to run the 2 miler with my two oldest. Well, DH got sick a few days before the race and bailed on me. (I actually really encouraged him to only run the 2 miler because he has a nasty head cold and I don't want him to get sicker.)
Anyway... back to the 10K. I wasn't feeling great. I was super tired and my legs were a bit jittery. I don't know what that was all about- it has never happened to me before. My plan was to not really race it but not jog it either. I was going to go out slow the first mile and then see how it went.
I was intimidated at the start when I saw only super fit people line up. I'd say there were probably about 70 people lined up. These are the two conversations I overheard:
Conversation #1
Man to lady who was sweaty: How far you running today?
Sweaty lady: 17- I just finished 10 and I'll use the race for my other 7.
me (in my head)- Are you crazy?
Conversation #2 as I was lining up toward the back of the starting blog
Man #1: What's your pace today?
Man #2: Oh, I'm running an 8 minute mile so you better get in front of me
Me (in my head, again- 2 thoughts): #1 I'm ahead of you both- What are you doing starting so far back? #2 I hope all those people ahead of me aren't running way faster than the two of you!
So, my first mile I tried to be slow. The problem was.. I have no idea where the first mile ended. There were no mile markers or timers on the whole course. I was a little frustrated with that. So, I just kept on running. The course was rolling. Parts of it were really pretty. It was warm but there was a good breeze at times. I passed some people the first few miles but was feeling pretty good. I walked the first water stop. Mostly because my throat was really dry and I wanted to make sure I got a good drink.
I'd say around half-way through we hit this really long hill. I mean REALLY long. It wasn't super steep, but it just kept on going. I really thought it wouldn't ever end. I'd say I was running up that hill for 7-8 minutes. Oh, and that wind that was cooling me off earlier? It was now in my face. I know I slowed down significantly.
After the hill we must have repeated the first part of the route because the rolling hills were back. I was looking for the next water stop, but it never came. I was really disappointed in that. Had I know that beforehand, I would have worn my bat belt. The only other thing that frustrated me was that I had no idea when the finish was coming. Volunteers on the course kept saying "You're almost there." when we really weren't. I walked a little bit more on a rolling section (again, my throat was super dry) and then just put one foot in front of the other. By the last mile there wasn't anyone running with me. I could see the person in front of me, but they weren't close, and there wasn't anyone close behind me either.
I could tell I was close when I saw our car and picked it up the last maybe quarter mile. I didn't think I'd be able to do that, but I always surprise myself. My time: 54:38. I didn't remember the time of my last 10K but now I know that's a PR (personal record). 8:48 minutes per mile.
Some reflections:
- I learned it's good not to always rely on time to gauge how you're doing. I had no idea where each mile started or ended and just ran to how I felt. I think it was a good thing.
- The 11 mile long run helped me with endurance, but I'm lacking speed. I knew that already but this race confirmed why you need to do long slow runs and speed work too. My quads are sore today and I know it's from lack of speed.
- I need to always bring my own water.
Anyway... back to the 10K. I wasn't feeling great. I was super tired and my legs were a bit jittery. I don't know what that was all about- it has never happened to me before. My plan was to not really race it but not jog it either. I was going to go out slow the first mile and then see how it went.
I was intimidated at the start when I saw only super fit people line up. I'd say there were probably about 70 people lined up. These are the two conversations I overheard:
Conversation #1
Man to lady who was sweaty: How far you running today?
Sweaty lady: 17- I just finished 10 and I'll use the race for my other 7.
me (in my head)- Are you crazy?
Conversation #2 as I was lining up toward the back of the starting blog
Man #1: What's your pace today?
Man #2: Oh, I'm running an 8 minute mile so you better get in front of me
Me (in my head, again- 2 thoughts): #1 I'm ahead of you both- What are you doing starting so far back? #2 I hope all those people ahead of me aren't running way faster than the two of you!
So, my first mile I tried to be slow. The problem was.. I have no idea where the first mile ended. There were no mile markers or timers on the whole course. I was a little frustrated with that. So, I just kept on running. The course was rolling. Parts of it were really pretty. It was warm but there was a good breeze at times. I passed some people the first few miles but was feeling pretty good. I walked the first water stop. Mostly because my throat was really dry and I wanted to make sure I got a good drink.
I'd say around half-way through we hit this really long hill. I mean REALLY long. It wasn't super steep, but it just kept on going. I really thought it wouldn't ever end. I'd say I was running up that hill for 7-8 minutes. Oh, and that wind that was cooling me off earlier? It was now in my face. I know I slowed down significantly.
After the hill we must have repeated the first part of the route because the rolling hills were back. I was looking for the next water stop, but it never came. I was really disappointed in that. Had I know that beforehand, I would have worn my bat belt. The only other thing that frustrated me was that I had no idea when the finish was coming. Volunteers on the course kept saying "You're almost there." when we really weren't. I walked a little bit more on a rolling section (again, my throat was super dry) and then just put one foot in front of the other. By the last mile there wasn't anyone running with me. I could see the person in front of me, but they weren't close, and there wasn't anyone close behind me either.
I could tell I was close when I saw our car and picked it up the last maybe quarter mile. I didn't think I'd be able to do that, but I always surprise myself. My time: 54:38. I didn't remember the time of my last 10K but now I know that's a PR (personal record). 8:48 minutes per mile.
Some reflections:
- I learned it's good not to always rely on time to gauge how you're doing. I had no idea where each mile started or ended and just ran to how I felt. I think it was a good thing.
- The 11 mile long run helped me with endurance, but I'm lacking speed. I knew that already but this race confirmed why you need to do long slow runs and speed work too. My quads are sore today and I know it's from lack of speed.
- I need to always bring my own water.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Yankees and more....
Here are some highlights from my NYC trip....
I went out exploring BY MYSELF! I have it admit, it was awesome. I was so proud of myself. The only bad thing is that it was during a torrential downpour. I had an umbrella and a rain coat and I was still soaked. I stepped in two huge puddles and my left foot got soaked. So.. I wasn't out for as long as I'd hoped.
Thursday afternoon we spent 4 hours waiting through a Yankees rain delay. I was freezing and hungry and Kev didn't want to eat at the ballpark. After much deliberation (and calling friends and family to check the weather for me) we decided to leave. You need to know the Yankees have a policy that once you leave the stadium you can't get back in. Well, of course, it stopped raining and they played the game after almost 5 1/2 hours. We were bummed because our seats were awesome. However, I did not come to NYC to sit watching a baseball game for over 8 hours. We went back to our hotel room and watched it on TV. They lost.
Yesterday we decided to get my long run in. It was supposed to be today but was predicting 80% chance of rain. We headed to Central Park to do a 5.25 mile loop 2x. It started out overcast and very humid and the sun eventually came out. Kevin did the first loop with me but I was on my own for the second. It was really tough. I was soaked- completely. I ran the whole thing and it was such a good feeling to finish. The best part about that run was finishing it! I feel bad for the people on our subway car who had to smell us. On a side note- I got some very interesting looks on the way to Central Park because of my "bat belt" as Kevin calls it.
It was funny because I was thinking "Of all the strange things I've seen, you people think my fuel belt is weird?"
I went out exploring BY MYSELF! I have it admit, it was awesome. I was so proud of myself. The only bad thing is that it was during a torrential downpour. I had an umbrella and a rain coat and I was still soaked. I stepped in two huge puddles and my left foot got soaked. So.. I wasn't out for as long as I'd hoped.
Thursday afternoon we spent 4 hours waiting through a Yankees rain delay. I was freezing and hungry and Kev didn't want to eat at the ballpark. After much deliberation (and calling friends and family to check the weather for me) we decided to leave. You need to know the Yankees have a policy that once you leave the stadium you can't get back in. Well, of course, it stopped raining and they played the game after almost 5 1/2 hours. We were bummed because our seats were awesome. However, I did not come to NYC to sit watching a baseball game for over 8 hours. We went back to our hotel room and watched it on TV. They lost.
Yesterday we decided to get my long run in. It was supposed to be today but was predicting 80% chance of rain. We headed to Central Park to do a 5.25 mile loop 2x. It started out overcast and very humid and the sun eventually came out. Kevin did the first loop with me but I was on my own for the second. It was really tough. I was soaked- completely. I ran the whole thing and it was such a good feeling to finish. The best part about that run was finishing it! I feel bad for the people on our subway car who had to smell us. On a side note- I got some very interesting looks on the way to Central Park because of my "bat belt" as Kevin calls it.

It was funny because I was thinking "Of all the strange things I've seen, you people think my fuel belt is weird?"
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I'm in The Big Apple for the weekend with my hubby. We got in yesterday and promptly went for a run in Central Park. 7 miles. It was actually more than 7 because we got into a disagreement over whether or not we were going the right way. I said we were, he said we weren't. Because I'm such a submissive wife, I agreed to do what he said and we ended up back out of the park. It turns out I was right after all.
Today it's pouring. I'm getting ready to head out to explore the city by myself. YIKES! I know Kevin will be proud of me though. We're supposed to go to a Yankees game this afternoon, but I have a feeling it will be cancelled due to rain.
I'm pretending to be a vegetarian for the weekend. I thought it would be fun. I tried to talk Kevin into joining me but he's not interested. This morning I had a spinach omlette (no, I"m not going vegan), and some yogurt with granola. I'm actually excited about it. My only question- do vegetarians eat seafood? I can't remember.
Today it's pouring. I'm getting ready to head out to explore the city by myself. YIKES! I know Kevin will be proud of me though. We're supposed to go to a Yankees game this afternoon, but I have a feeling it will be cancelled due to rain.
I'm pretending to be a vegetarian for the weekend. I thought it would be fun. I tried to talk Kevin into joining me but he's not interested. This morning I had a spinach omlette (no, I"m not going vegan), and some yogurt with granola. I'm actually excited about it. My only question- do vegetarians eat seafood? I can't remember.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Biggest Loser Challenge
I joined "The Biggest Loser Challenge" on I first joined this website when I started training for the Princess Half. I've had between 10-15 pounds to lose for a while now and thought this might be the way to get it off. Today is the second day.
So far it has worked. Today I didn't want to get out of bed. In fact, I was planning on not getting up when the alarm went off at 5:10. With a little shove from my husband (okay, several little shoves), I got out of bed and stumbled to get ready. I was so tired I was dizzy. (My little one was up coughing late last night.) What really got me out of bed though, was my team and how I couldn't bail on them on only the second day. I still don't get the whole thing, but I do know I need to lose weight and the only way that's going to happen is if I get myself out of bed.
So, 30 minutes of swimming today. It seemed especially hard. The pool was long (50 m instead of 25). I was sweating when I was done! Sweating in water is pretty hard so I must have really been working. Tomorrow is strength training and this weekend is another 19 mile bike ride and a 5 mile run.
So far it has worked. Today I didn't want to get out of bed. In fact, I was planning on not getting up when the alarm went off at 5:10. With a little shove from my husband (okay, several little shoves), I got out of bed and stumbled to get ready. I was so tired I was dizzy. (My little one was up coughing late last night.) What really got me out of bed though, was my team and how I couldn't bail on them on only the second day. I still don't get the whole thing, but I do know I need to lose weight and the only way that's going to happen is if I get myself out of bed.
So, 30 minutes of swimming today. It seemed especially hard. The pool was long (50 m instead of 25). I was sweating when I was done! Sweating in water is pretty hard so I must have really been working. Tomorrow is strength training and this weekend is another 19 mile bike ride and a 5 mile run.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Time Trial Done
I finished my 2 mile time trial in 16:28 which translates to an 8:14 mile. I'm happy. I could have run faster, but I'm still happy.
I showed up 25 minutes early to get a warm up run in. I was thinking maybe a mile and a half. As soon as I started running I knew I had to make a trip to the bathroom. (Those nerves!) Now, another quirk about me is that I refuse to go to the bathroom in a port-o-potty unless it's absolutely necessary. My gym is close to the track so I thought I'd just run there and run back in time. After going just a little way I realized it was further than I thought. So, I ran back to my car and drove to the gym. I headed back to the track with 12 minutes to spare. I saw everyone heading to the track so I did a 3 minute warm up and then headed over myself. I missed all the instructions and got there about 2 minutes before it started. I asked the lady next to me what I needed to know and she just said "Stay out of the fast people's way.". I can do that. Off I ran.
My pace was steady throughout. In fact, my first mile was 8:15. I really don't know how to pace myself for that distance, so I was being conservative. I sprinted the last eighth of a mile. I do know that at the end of a 2 mile race you should NOT be able to sprint at the end. Oh well, live and learn I guess. I'm excited to have this behind me and get my training program soon.
I showed up 25 minutes early to get a warm up run in. I was thinking maybe a mile and a half. As soon as I started running I knew I had to make a trip to the bathroom. (Those nerves!) Now, another quirk about me is that I refuse to go to the bathroom in a port-o-potty unless it's absolutely necessary. My gym is close to the track so I thought I'd just run there and run back in time. After going just a little way I realized it was further than I thought. So, I ran back to my car and drove to the gym. I headed back to the track with 12 minutes to spare. I saw everyone heading to the track so I did a 3 minute warm up and then headed over myself. I missed all the instructions and got there about 2 minutes before it started. I asked the lady next to me what I needed to know and she just said "Stay out of the fast people's way.". I can do that. Off I ran.
My pace was steady throughout. In fact, my first mile was 8:15. I really don't know how to pace myself for that distance, so I was being conservative. I sprinted the last eighth of a mile. I do know that at the end of a 2 mile race you should NOT be able to sprint at the end. Oh well, live and learn I guess. I'm excited to have this behind me and get my training program soon.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Marathon Training?
I took the plunge and decided to officially sign up for our local marathon training program. I've been contemplating it for a while. I'm so afraid I'm going to get hurt in the process that I don't want to make it "official". Whatever, Lisa.
Tomorrow morning at 6:30 I have a two mile time trial at the local track. I've heard from someone who's done it that it's very official (they have a real time clock). I know I shouldn't be nervous but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. I really have no idea what to expect. I can run an 8:35 pace for 3.1 miles- can I run an 8 minute mile for 2? My biggest fear is that I'll start out too fast and die at the end. Or else, start out too slow and be mad at myself because I could have run faster. It doesn't matter- at the end of it I'll be able to get a customized training program. I'd prefer it to be more conservative anyway, so it's probably better if I'm not too fast.
On another note- I biked 19 miles last weekend and got an 8 mile run in. My leg feels good, just a slight tightness that I'm keeping my eye on.
Tomorrow morning at 6:30 I have a two mile time trial at the local track. I've heard from someone who's done it that it's very official (they have a real time clock). I know I shouldn't be nervous but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't. I really have no idea what to expect. I can run an 8:35 pace for 3.1 miles- can I run an 8 minute mile for 2? My biggest fear is that I'll start out too fast and die at the end. Or else, start out too slow and be mad at myself because I could have run faster. It doesn't matter- at the end of it I'll be able to get a customized training program. I'd prefer it to be more conservative anyway, so it's probably better if I'm not too fast.
On another note- I biked 19 miles last weekend and got an 8 mile run in. My leg feels good, just a slight tightness that I'm keeping my eye on.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I won!
The battle of getting out of bed and working out, that is.
After not working out Monday or Tuesday, (someone messed with my alarm clock this weekend and turned the volume all the way down which explains Monday. On Tuesday my little one was up at 5:30 AM!.) I made it to the gym today. It was a battle, though.
I was up until about 11:15 (Jackie, if you're reading this, I know that's way early for you!) watching The Biggest Loser. The alarm went off at 4:50 AM and I went over every excuse I had to not get up. Let's see: I'd be a better mom if I got more sleep, I could do an exercise DVD at home (yeah right!), I'm eating really well so I deserve a day off (another one!). I've listened to this voice so many times in the past few weeks.
I am so proud of myself because I just decided to get out of bed and do it. I went to the gym and ran 5 miles on the treadmill.
And I feel GREAT!
After not working out Monday or Tuesday, (someone messed with my alarm clock this weekend and turned the volume all the way down which explains Monday. On Tuesday my little one was up at 5:30 AM!.) I made it to the gym today. It was a battle, though.
I was up until about 11:15 (Jackie, if you're reading this, I know that's way early for you!) watching The Biggest Loser. The alarm went off at 4:50 AM and I went over every excuse I had to not get up. Let's see: I'd be a better mom if I got more sleep, I could do an exercise DVD at home (yeah right!), I'm eating really well so I deserve a day off (another one!). I've listened to this voice so many times in the past few weeks.
I am so proud of myself because I just decided to get out of bed and do it. I went to the gym and ran 5 miles on the treadmill.
And I feel GREAT!
Monday, May 11, 2009
5k encouragement
I ran a 5k this past weekend. I've run it three years in a row. I really like it. It's pretty small, but the best part about it is the prizes. They have local businesses donate gift certificates and things and then give them out to age group winners and as grab bags. I've won something every time I've run it.
My daughter ran it with my husband and she rocked! She won her age group (under 12) with a time of 27:55. That's an 8:59 pace and she didn't train at all! AMAZING! I was so proud of her.
Now back to me (isn't that what this blog is all about anyway?!) I was not prepared. I've been running 2x a week and still battling the calf injury (which interestingly has turned into more of a behind the knee injury). I played soccer a few weeks ago and I was sore for an entire week afterwards. I also pulled my quad. So, needless to say, I was not going for a PR in this race. I was thinking I could run about a 9 minute pace.
When we started I tried to keep an even pace. I knew we'd be getting our times at the first mile. I could also hear my husband and daughter right behind me with my husband saying to her "go get mommy! Pass her!". First mile 8:30 exactly. I had two thoughts the first being "that was too fast for me" and the second being "My daughter is going to crash and burn- that was way too fast for her!"
I tried to keep a steady pace for the next mile. I really don't know how to do that right now because I'm not running consistently. I used to know exactly what pace I ran based on how I feel, but not anymore. My mouth was very dry and I was going to get water, but when I got to the water stop they were out. Not permanently, just refilling. Oh well. Mile 2- exactly 17 minutes. I kept my 8:30 pace.
I told myself I only had 1.1 miles left, just 4 laps around the track. I was feeling pretty bad. My mouth was seriously dry and I was having a hard time swallowing. I was also wondering if I could keep up the pace. I started thinking about Jeff Galloway and his program of walking. I've read some discussions about it recently and know several people who use it. I wondered if it would be better for me to walk briefly and make up the time after getting some rest or just keep plugging away. I think once that thought entered my mind I was destined to walk. So- walk I did. It wasn't very long, but 4 people passed me in the short time. I walked just long enough to catch my breath and then started running again. There is a hill at the end and I caught 3 ladies on the hill. Two of them re passed me as we approached the finish. I knew it was too early for me to start sprinting so I just let them go. When I started my sprint I caught one but didn't get the other one.
I finished in 26:55. I was very happy. It's an 8:35 pace. No, I'm not just happy- I'm thrilled! I'm so shocked that I could do that being as untrained as I am. It really gives me motivation to push myself. I need to be careful with my leg, but there is potential.
To top off my great run, I placed first in my age group! Are you kidding me? It turns out the lady on the hill was in my age group and I passed her. I know I'm not all that because normally my time would not even come close to placing. I'm just thankful everyone in my age group decided to stay home. It's given me confidence and encouragement.
I'm 3 for 3 on the prizes!
My daughter ran it with my husband and she rocked! She won her age group (under 12) with a time of 27:55. That's an 8:59 pace and she didn't train at all! AMAZING! I was so proud of her.
Now back to me (isn't that what this blog is all about anyway?!) I was not prepared. I've been running 2x a week and still battling the calf injury (which interestingly has turned into more of a behind the knee injury). I played soccer a few weeks ago and I was sore for an entire week afterwards. I also pulled my quad. So, needless to say, I was not going for a PR in this race. I was thinking I could run about a 9 minute pace.
When we started I tried to keep an even pace. I knew we'd be getting our times at the first mile. I could also hear my husband and daughter right behind me with my husband saying to her "go get mommy! Pass her!". First mile 8:30 exactly. I had two thoughts the first being "that was too fast for me" and the second being "My daughter is going to crash and burn- that was way too fast for her!"
I tried to keep a steady pace for the next mile. I really don't know how to do that right now because I'm not running consistently. I used to know exactly what pace I ran based on how I feel, but not anymore. My mouth was very dry and I was going to get water, but when I got to the water stop they were out. Not permanently, just refilling. Oh well. Mile 2- exactly 17 minutes. I kept my 8:30 pace.
I told myself I only had 1.1 miles left, just 4 laps around the track. I was feeling pretty bad. My mouth was seriously dry and I was having a hard time swallowing. I was also wondering if I could keep up the pace. I started thinking about Jeff Galloway and his program of walking. I've read some discussions about it recently and know several people who use it. I wondered if it would be better for me to walk briefly and make up the time after getting some rest or just keep plugging away. I think once that thought entered my mind I was destined to walk. So- walk I did. It wasn't very long, but 4 people passed me in the short time. I walked just long enough to catch my breath and then started running again. There is a hill at the end and I caught 3 ladies on the hill. Two of them re passed me as we approached the finish. I knew it was too early for me to start sprinting so I just let them go. When I started my sprint I caught one but didn't get the other one.
I finished in 26:55. I was very happy. It's an 8:35 pace. No, I'm not just happy- I'm thrilled! I'm so shocked that I could do that being as untrained as I am. It really gives me motivation to push myself. I need to be careful with my leg, but there is potential.
To top off my great run, I placed first in my age group! Are you kidding me? It turns out the lady on the hill was in my age group and I passed her. I know I'm not all that because normally my time would not even come close to placing. I'm just thankful everyone in my age group decided to stay home. It's given me confidence and encouragement.
I'm 3 for 3 on the prizes!
Why do I always stray?
This blog is therapy for me. Why do I always stop writing in it? I just re-read some old posts and realized there is so much between the last one and now. However, since I didn't write it down, I don't have the journey. I hate that. The whole purpose of this blog is to be able to look back and see the journey.
I can't complain too much though. Life is good. Busy, but good.
So, where am I now? Not in the place of being in a funk after the half, that's for sure. I'm back into my routine and have some fresh encouragement to keep me going. I'm eating super healthy and am trying to lose 10 pounds. I've lost 1 so far, but I'm doing it right. If it takes longer I'm okay with that.
I am going to try harder to write here. It's important for me to look back and see my struggles and accomplishments.
I can't complain too much though. Life is good. Busy, but good.
So, where am I now? Not in the place of being in a funk after the half, that's for sure. I'm back into my routine and have some fresh encouragement to keep me going. I'm eating super healthy and am trying to lose 10 pounds. I've lost 1 so far, but I'm doing it right. If it takes longer I'm okay with that.
I am going to try harder to write here. It's important for me to look back and see my struggles and accomplishments.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Lost my way
When I got back from the Princess Half I completely fell apart. I stopped going to the gym and didn't work out at all. I was really frustrated, but could not get myself out of bed in the morning.
I've gone back to the gym two days this week and hope I'm on the road back. I've spent some time thinking about what happened (I seem to be doing that a lot lately!). I think most of it was just post race let-down. It was hard training for the half, not to mention the injury frustration. I think the whole Florida trip also exhaused me. My kids were sick almost the whole time and we came back on a Sunday. That was harder than I expected. (I just unpacked last weekend!).
I also think part of what makes me get up and go in the morning is having a goal. Right now, I have no goal. I'm doing the Iron Girl again in August, and I'm playing with the idea of running a marathon in the fall. I also got 12 sessions with a personal trainer for my birthday. I'm so psyched, but I haven't begun yet because my heart is just not into working out. I'm really trying to formulate a plan. I'm hoping that by the beginning of next week I'll have something written down and a new spring in my step.
I've gone back to the gym two days this week and hope I'm on the road back. I've spent some time thinking about what happened (I seem to be doing that a lot lately!). I think most of it was just post race let-down. It was hard training for the half, not to mention the injury frustration. I think the whole Florida trip also exhaused me. My kids were sick almost the whole time and we came back on a Sunday. That was harder than I expected. (I just unpacked last weekend!).
I also think part of what makes me get up and go in the morning is having a goal. Right now, I have no goal. I'm doing the Iron Girl again in August, and I'm playing with the idea of running a marathon in the fall. I also got 12 sessions with a personal trainer for my birthday. I'm so psyched, but I haven't begun yet because my heart is just not into working out. I'm really trying to formulate a plan. I'm hoping that by the beginning of next week I'll have something written down and a new spring in my step.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
My thoughts on success
I posted this on my blog on on March 17th. Thought I'd put it here too- just so I can remind myself about the thoughts that were going through my head.
I can't believe it's been over a week since the race. I just got back from Florida on Sunday and am trying to get back into my routine. It hasn't been easy. My whole family has battled the flu these last few weeks (including my daughter throwing up in the car at 3am on the drive to FL!). So, even though Florida was our vacation- it wasn't the best we've ever had.
I have so many thoughts about the whole race experience and like others, feel like I could write a book. This was my first half and I have to say the most emotionally draining race I've done. When it was all said and done, the biggest thing I learned was how running is so mental. I've always know that, but never struggled with it quite so much before.
I was feeling great about the race until a week before when I injured my calf. I had set some lofty goals for myself and was really planning on pushing myself. I had to throw those goals out the window when I got hurt. This is where the mental battle began. "Would I still be successful if I didn't meet my goal"? As I got closer to the race and my calf didn't feel better my thoughts turned into "would I be a failure if I didn't finish"? I have another blog and the quote at the top of the page is by John Bingham: "The miracle isn't that I finished, it's that I had the courage to start." I love that quote, but I've never really thought too deeply about it. In the weeks before the race there were several of us struggling and this quote stayed with me.
I sent a lot of time thinking about what defines success. After some soul searching I realized that I don't agree with the Webster dictionary definition which is a "favorable or desired outcome". Well, my desired outcome was that I finish in a certain amount of time. Was I a failure if that didn't happen? I don't think so.
Here's what I think about success: It doesn't matter what time I finish in or if I walk or even if I finish at all. Not that I don't think you shouldn't set goals for yourself- it's what motivates me to push myself and define my limits. But what really matters is the that I try my hardest with whatever I have on that day. I am successful because I tried to do something that stretched me. I set a goal and trained for it and pushed myself. I got off the couch and committed to making my life healthier.
The success is in the process; it's in the trying; it's in having the courage to start.
I can't believe it's been over a week since the race. I just got back from Florida on Sunday and am trying to get back into my routine. It hasn't been easy. My whole family has battled the flu these last few weeks (including my daughter throwing up in the car at 3am on the drive to FL!). So, even though Florida was our vacation- it wasn't the best we've ever had.
I have so many thoughts about the whole race experience and like others, feel like I could write a book. This was my first half and I have to say the most emotionally draining race I've done. When it was all said and done, the biggest thing I learned was how running is so mental. I've always know that, but never struggled with it quite so much before.
I was feeling great about the race until a week before when I injured my calf. I had set some lofty goals for myself and was really planning on pushing myself. I had to throw those goals out the window when I got hurt. This is where the mental battle began. "Would I still be successful if I didn't meet my goal"? As I got closer to the race and my calf didn't feel better my thoughts turned into "would I be a failure if I didn't finish"? I have another blog and the quote at the top of the page is by John Bingham: "The miracle isn't that I finished, it's that I had the courage to start." I love that quote, but I've never really thought too deeply about it. In the weeks before the race there were several of us struggling and this quote stayed with me.
I sent a lot of time thinking about what defines success. After some soul searching I realized that I don't agree with the Webster dictionary definition which is a "favorable or desired outcome". Well, my desired outcome was that I finish in a certain amount of time. Was I a failure if that didn't happen? I don't think so.
Here's what I think about success: It doesn't matter what time I finish in or if I walk or even if I finish at all. Not that I don't think you shouldn't set goals for yourself- it's what motivates me to push myself and define my limits. But what really matters is the that I try my hardest with whatever I have on that day. I am successful because I tried to do something that stretched me. I set a goal and trained for it and pushed myself. I got off the couch and committed to making my life healthier.
The success is in the process; it's in the trying; it's in having the courage to start.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Race Update
Before I post my race report, I want to say I don't think I have compartmental syndrom anymore. I think something is wrong with my calf, but I think it's more like a strained or torn muscle.
Now that that's out of the way.... This is going to be long, but I want to include everything. I had such an emotional week going into the race- I want to remember everything.
I decided to stop running the week before the half to rest my calf. It really hurt. I also decided not to mess with it for the first few days to completely rest it. I was not encouraged driving down to Florida. It was still sore to the touch.
We arrived Wednesday afternoon and unpacked and swam. My kids had the flu and one of my daughters threw up in the car on the way. Not fun! Friday morning I went for a 3 mile run and it was terrible. My calf started hurting at 1 mile and I was just about in tears when I was done. How was I going to run 10 more? We went to the expo at noon and my emotions were all over the place. On a happy note- I bought a great running skirt and broke all the rules and wore it for the race. It felt great. I was planning on getting a "Stick" and the guy at the booth massaged my calf out for me. He said he could feel the knot in my calf and told me to keep working on it until the race. It actually felt better when he was done. I felt a little more encouraged after that. My mom also gave me some arthritis cream to put on it. At that point I was willing to try anything.
Friday night was the worst. I couldn't sleep because I was so anxious. My leg was throbbing even when I did nothing. I think I got a few hours of sleep at the maximum. We left the house at 6 for the 5K and kids races. They were at Epcot in the same place as the half would be. I saw the stands and finish line where I would be the next day. It made me super nervous. At the start of the 5K I had tears in my eyes. I think it was mostly because of my fear for the next day.
Everyone did great in the 5K and kids races. My two youngest daughters had the flu full force and the little one didn't want to run. I told her she wouldn't get a medal if I had to carry her and luckily, she agreed to run while holding my hand. It was sweet. We went back to my parents and swam and rested.
I got all my stuff together Saturday night and went to bed. My leg was feeling pretty good. The knot was still there, but barely. I started having hopes that I could finish. My husband was planning to taking all the girls to the race, but we decided to leave the little two home because they had fevers. It turned out they all stayed home because the big two were too tired to get up at 4:45 AM! My youngest woke up 4 times coughing that night. I tried very hard not to get mad at my husband who slept through it all.
Race day- I woke up at 4:15 and ate some summer oatmeal with peanut butter. I decided to skip my normal coffee. I got my bag and my husbands bag together and off we went. (I loaded my husband down with everything I might need- Body Glide, Body Glide Heat, BioFreeze, arthritis cream- I told him to be prepared to hand me anything at a seconds notice!). We got to Epcot around 5:45 and walked around a little. I realized I forgot to put Body Glide on my toes so off came the shoes and socks. He headed to the monorail after that and I started the long walk to the start line.
I met two frinds from sparkpeople there and it was great to talk to them. It really took my mind off the race. My strategy was to start out slow and see how it felt. I approached the race in three parts- two 5 milers and a 5K. If I was feeling good after 10 miles I would push the last 5K. It was dark and cold (relatively) outside and weird to start running in the dark.
My first mile was effortless. I had to weave around some people (walking at mile 1?). I forgot to press the split button on my watch, but I think it was around a 10+ minute mile. I felt good all the way to mile 9 when my calf cramped a little. By this time it was hot and sunny and I was facing the only hills on the course. (They're actually road ramps but they were pretty steep.) By mile 10 I knew I couldn't push the last 3 miles. I wasn't hurting, but I was content to keep the same pace. I saw that I could possibly finish in under 2 hours but I would have to run each mile at under a 9 minute pace. I had a hard time figuring out the last mile. It was twisty and I couldn't tell where the finish was. When I finally spotted it I sprinted. I was just shy of the 2 hour mark at 2:00:23.
At first I was disappointed, but then I realized what a miracle it was that I finished. I got teary when they put my medal round my neck- realizing how close I came to not making it. This was such an emotional race experience for me. I've had some time to reflect on the whole experience, but that wil have to be another post.
Now that that's out of the way.... This is going to be long, but I want to include everything. I had such an emotional week going into the race- I want to remember everything.
I decided to stop running the week before the half to rest my calf. It really hurt. I also decided not to mess with it for the first few days to completely rest it. I was not encouraged driving down to Florida. It was still sore to the touch.
We arrived Wednesday afternoon and unpacked and swam. My kids had the flu and one of my daughters threw up in the car on the way. Not fun! Friday morning I went for a 3 mile run and it was terrible. My calf started hurting at 1 mile and I was just about in tears when I was done. How was I going to run 10 more? We went to the expo at noon and my emotions were all over the place. On a happy note- I bought a great running skirt and broke all the rules and wore it for the race. It felt great. I was planning on getting a "Stick" and the guy at the booth massaged my calf out for me. He said he could feel the knot in my calf and told me to keep working on it until the race. It actually felt better when he was done. I felt a little more encouraged after that. My mom also gave me some arthritis cream to put on it. At that point I was willing to try anything.
Friday night was the worst. I couldn't sleep because I was so anxious. My leg was throbbing even when I did nothing. I think I got a few hours of sleep at the maximum. We left the house at 6 for the 5K and kids races. They were at Epcot in the same place as the half would be. I saw the stands and finish line where I would be the next day. It made me super nervous. At the start of the 5K I had tears in my eyes. I think it was mostly because of my fear for the next day.
Everyone did great in the 5K and kids races. My two youngest daughters had the flu full force and the little one didn't want to run. I told her she wouldn't get a medal if I had to carry her and luckily, she agreed to run while holding my hand. It was sweet. We went back to my parents and swam and rested.
I got all my stuff together Saturday night and went to bed. My leg was feeling pretty good. The knot was still there, but barely. I started having hopes that I could finish. My husband was planning to taking all the girls to the race, but we decided to leave the little two home because they had fevers. It turned out they all stayed home because the big two were too tired to get up at 4:45 AM! My youngest woke up 4 times coughing that night. I tried very hard not to get mad at my husband who slept through it all.
Race day- I woke up at 4:15 and ate some summer oatmeal with peanut butter. I decided to skip my normal coffee. I got my bag and my husbands bag together and off we went. (I loaded my husband down with everything I might need- Body Glide, Body Glide Heat, BioFreeze, arthritis cream- I told him to be prepared to hand me anything at a seconds notice!). We got to Epcot around 5:45 and walked around a little. I realized I forgot to put Body Glide on my toes so off came the shoes and socks. He headed to the monorail after that and I started the long walk to the start line.
I met two frinds from sparkpeople there and it was great to talk to them. It really took my mind off the race. My strategy was to start out slow and see how it felt. I approached the race in three parts- two 5 milers and a 5K. If I was feeling good after 10 miles I would push the last 5K. It was dark and cold (relatively) outside and weird to start running in the dark.
My first mile was effortless. I had to weave around some people (walking at mile 1?). I forgot to press the split button on my watch, but I think it was around a 10+ minute mile. I felt good all the way to mile 9 when my calf cramped a little. By this time it was hot and sunny and I was facing the only hills on the course. (They're actually road ramps but they were pretty steep.) By mile 10 I knew I couldn't push the last 3 miles. I wasn't hurting, but I was content to keep the same pace. I saw that I could possibly finish in under 2 hours but I would have to run each mile at under a 9 minute pace. I had a hard time figuring out the last mile. It was twisty and I couldn't tell where the finish was. When I finally spotted it I sprinted. I was just shy of the 2 hour mark at 2:00:23.
At first I was disappointed, but then I realized what a miracle it was that I finished. I got teary when they put my medal round my neck- realizing how close I came to not making it. This was such an emotional race experience for me. I've had some time to reflect on the whole experience, but that wil have to be another post.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Highs and Lows
I had the best run last week. I knew I should have posted about it right away. It was last Wednesday. I was scheduled to do an 8 mile run with 6 miles at an 8:27 pace. I decided to run an 8:40 just to mentally prepare myself for the race. Here's what I did: 1 mile warm-up/ 2 miles at 8:40, 1 mile at 8:32/ 1 mile at 8:27/ 1 mile at 8:32/ 1 mile starting at 8:32 but moving as fast as 8:20/ 1 mile cool-down.
I felt great afterwards! I was really encouraged that I'm ready for this race and able to meet my goal of running an 8:40 pace.
Now for the low..... my left calf started hurting on Thursday. I figured it was just from the hard workout. It felt like there was a knot in it. I massaged it and stretched it. It was still sore on Friday. Yesterday I ran 11 miles. I could feel the tightness right from the start but ran slow and steady. My calf cramped around mile 8- kind of like a charlie horse. Sort of like a burning sensation shooting up my leg. It only lasted a few seconds. I was able to run through it. It happened 2 more times. By the time I was done, I was very tired. I avereaged a 10 minute pace. When I got home I took a shower and then put Body Glide heat on it. I noticed a huge bruise on my calf. It doesn't really hurt when I touch it. I don't know if it was there before the run, or if the run caused it.
I'm somewhat panicking. I researched a little on line and I think I might have compartmental syndrome. Apparently it takes forever to get an accurate diagnosis. Well, I don't have forever! My race is a week from today and now I'm afraid I won't even be able to finish. I figure if my calf starts cramping around 8 miles, I've got 5 miles to deal with the pain. I'm not really that worried about the pain, I'm worried about the damage I might be doing to myself. If the run caused the bruising, what in the world is causing it?
Right now I figure all I can do is take the week completely off. I'm going to do deep tissue massage, take anti-inflamatiory drugs, eat bananas and start stretching in a few days. (oh yeah- and PRAY!) I'm okay with not finishing well, I'm just concerned about the long term damage.
I felt great afterwards! I was really encouraged that I'm ready for this race and able to meet my goal of running an 8:40 pace.
Now for the low..... my left calf started hurting on Thursday. I figured it was just from the hard workout. It felt like there was a knot in it. I massaged it and stretched it. It was still sore on Friday. Yesterday I ran 11 miles. I could feel the tightness right from the start but ran slow and steady. My calf cramped around mile 8- kind of like a charlie horse. Sort of like a burning sensation shooting up my leg. It only lasted a few seconds. I was able to run through it. It happened 2 more times. By the time I was done, I was very tired. I avereaged a 10 minute pace. When I got home I took a shower and then put Body Glide heat on it. I noticed a huge bruise on my calf. It doesn't really hurt when I touch it. I don't know if it was there before the run, or if the run caused it.
I'm somewhat panicking. I researched a little on line and I think I might have compartmental syndrome. Apparently it takes forever to get an accurate diagnosis. Well, I don't have forever! My race is a week from today and now I'm afraid I won't even be able to finish. I figure if my calf starts cramping around 8 miles, I've got 5 miles to deal with the pain. I'm not really that worried about the pain, I'm worried about the damage I might be doing to myself. If the run caused the bruising, what in the world is causing it?
Right now I figure all I can do is take the week completely off. I'm going to do deep tissue massage, take anti-inflamatiory drugs, eat bananas and start stretching in a few days. (oh yeah- and PRAY!) I'm okay with not finishing well, I'm just concerned about the long term damage.
Monday, February 23, 2009
5 workouts left!
I really need to post here more often. I've actually posted on my board at, but this one is just for me. I re-read my last post and a lot has happened since then.
First- shoes. What a saga that was. I tried the second pair out again and actually did fine with them and decided to keep them. I was feeling a little pressure from my DH (not intentional on his part), because the owner of the running store spent so much time with me. I figured they'd be fine. Well, I was wrong. The first time I took them on the road for a 4 mile run I got horrible shin splints on the opposite side of my leg that I usually do. It's the same type of pain I used to have when I started running. I went back to the store (on the owners day off- chicken!) and got the new version of my old shoes- Nike Structure Triax. I'm happy to report they are great. All shin pain is gone and I've had two long runs that went well. It sure is good to be beyone that.
I'm feeling pretty good about where I am right now. I'm really going to work on strengthing myself mentally. I've realized that's where I really struggle. I know I have my limits physically, but I feel like I don't even let myself get there because I psych myself out. I remember in field hockey we used to do this mental visualization which I thought was pretty silly at the time, but I'm going to try it now. If I can see myself finishing my race strong I know it will go a long way to getting myself to believe I can do it.
My last 5 workouts: Wed- 8 mile run- 6 miles at an 8:28 pace
Thurs- 2 miles at a 9:45 pace
Saturday- 11 miles at a 9:45 pace
Monday- 2 miles very easy
Wednesday- 5 miles- 3 at 8:30 pace
We leave for Floriday early Thursday morning and I'll probably go for a short slow run on Friday morning just to get used to the heat and stretch out my legs after a very long car ride.
First- shoes. What a saga that was. I tried the second pair out again and actually did fine with them and decided to keep them. I was feeling a little pressure from my DH (not intentional on his part), because the owner of the running store spent so much time with me. I figured they'd be fine. Well, I was wrong. The first time I took them on the road for a 4 mile run I got horrible shin splints on the opposite side of my leg that I usually do. It's the same type of pain I used to have when I started running. I went back to the store (on the owners day off- chicken!) and got the new version of my old shoes- Nike Structure Triax. I'm happy to report they are great. All shin pain is gone and I've had two long runs that went well. It sure is good to be beyone that.
I'm feeling pretty good about where I am right now. I'm really going to work on strengthing myself mentally. I've realized that's where I really struggle. I know I have my limits physically, but I feel like I don't even let myself get there because I psych myself out. I remember in field hockey we used to do this mental visualization which I thought was pretty silly at the time, but I'm going to try it now. If I can see myself finishing my race strong I know it will go a long way to getting myself to believe I can do it.
My last 5 workouts: Wed- 8 mile run- 6 miles at an 8:28 pace
Thurs- 2 miles at a 9:45 pace
Saturday- 11 miles at a 9:45 pace
Monday- 2 miles very easy
Wednesday- 5 miles- 3 at 8:30 pace
We leave for Floriday early Thursday morning and I'll probably go for a short slow run on Friday morning just to get used to the heat and stretch out my legs after a very long car ride.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
What a difference a week (or so) makes. In my last post I was flying high from my successful speed workout. I wish I was still in that place. Right now I'd have to admit I'm full of fear and self-doubt. What has happened since then? a lot and a little.
I'm having issues with my calves again. It was manageable and I was stretching them regularly. I went to get new shoes last week and decided to ask if I should consider a new brand. I've been thinking about this for a while. It just doesn't make sense that all of a sudden the shoes aren't working for me. I've worn the same brand for over 6 years. I talked to the owner for a long time and he gave me two different shoes to try out- a more stabil pair and a cushoning pair. I learned right away the cushoning pair is not what I need- and really hurt my legs in the process. The stability pair was great- except that something about them makes my toes rub together. By the end of my 4.5 mile run my toes were bleeding. So... I'm back at where I started. Do I get new shoes or just stick with my old brand?? I'm going back in on Tuesday to make that decision. I wouldn't be so stressed, but my half marathon is 4 weeks from today. I don't want to be messing with my legs when I'm staring down 10 and 11 mile long runs on the weekends.
Speaking of long runs- I'm very much doubting my goal of running an 8:40 pace for my half marathon. I'm averaging about a 9:40 pace on my long runs. I'm not exactly killing myself and I'm running a very hilly course, but I can't imagine running that much faster. I've got to try really hard not to let my mind control my body here. I don't want to psych myself out of it before I even start! I've got 14 workouts left and I'm going to try my hardest to focus on my goal.
I'm having issues with my calves again. It was manageable and I was stretching them regularly. I went to get new shoes last week and decided to ask if I should consider a new brand. I've been thinking about this for a while. It just doesn't make sense that all of a sudden the shoes aren't working for me. I've worn the same brand for over 6 years. I talked to the owner for a long time and he gave me two different shoes to try out- a more stabil pair and a cushoning pair. I learned right away the cushoning pair is not what I need- and really hurt my legs in the process. The stability pair was great- except that something about them makes my toes rub together. By the end of my 4.5 mile run my toes were bleeding. So... I'm back at where I started. Do I get new shoes or just stick with my old brand?? I'm going back in on Tuesday to make that decision. I wouldn't be so stressed, but my half marathon is 4 weeks from today. I don't want to be messing with my legs when I'm staring down 10 and 11 mile long runs on the weekends.
Speaking of long runs- I'm very much doubting my goal of running an 8:40 pace for my half marathon. I'm averaging about a 9:40 pace on my long runs. I'm not exactly killing myself and I'm running a very hilly course, but I can't imagine running that much faster. I've got to try really hard not to let my mind control my body here. I don't want to psych myself out of it before I even start! I've got 14 workouts left and I'm going to try my hardest to focus on my goal.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I won!
I think my excitement for speed work yesterday was a tad premature. I was excited to push myself, but I forgot how hard it was going to be. Man, was it hard! I ran 7 miles total with 5 miles at a 8:27 pace. The first three speed miles were okay, but the last mile and a half was brutal! I had a really huge battle with my mind and body which were both telling me to stop. I really doubted whether I could do it. I kept having this conversation with myself telling myself that I needed to do it. If I stopped short of my goal I would doubt myself and be mad at myself. The last 1/4 miles was torture but.... I did it!
I felt so great when I finished. Well, actually, I felt horrible. I had a mile recovery and I had to walk the first few minutes. Let me change that. After I recovered, I felt awesome. I did it! I didn't give into my doubts or my body and I finished my speed work.
Now I'm ready for a nap.
I felt so great when I finished. Well, actually, I felt horrible. I had a mile recovery and I had to walk the first few minutes. Let me change that. After I recovered, I felt awesome. I did it! I didn't give into my doubts or my body and I finished my speed work.
Now I'm ready for a nap.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
looking forward to speedwork
I know this sounds crazy... it is crazy. I can't help it though. I'm looking forward to my speedwork workout tomorrow. I've dreaded them during this whole training program-and tomorrow I'm not. Why you ask? I'm not exactly sure, but it seems my attitude to training has changed somehow. Part of it is the previously explained Biggest Loser insight to how your mind controls your body. Part of it is the fact that my husband has been out of town this week and I've missed 2 workouts.
I feel like I can do so much more than I give myself credit for. I limit myself so much by my thoughts (there's deeper spiritual insight there). I'm not a super confident person, but I feel like it's time to change that when it comes to running. I want to run a 1:53 half marathon. Who's to say I can't? If I want to do it- I can!
Tomorrow I'm supposed to run 7 miles- 5 at an 8:29 pace. I don't think I can do it- I know I can... and I'm going to!
I feel like I can do so much more than I give myself credit for. I limit myself so much by my thoughts (there's deeper spiritual insight there). I'm not a super confident person, but I feel like it's time to change that when it comes to running. I want to run a 1:53 half marathon. Who's to say I can't? If I want to do it- I can!
Tomorrow I'm supposed to run 7 miles- 5 at an 8:29 pace. I don't think I can do it- I know I can... and I'm going to!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
kudos to Bob and Jillian
Okay, a shout out to The Biggest Loser.... again. I am obsessed with that show. There are so many good things that come out of seeing people transform their lives. This season is SO much better then the last. Everyone gets along and is positive. It's great to watch. So, why did I pick the title of my blog?
A few weeks ago, Bob was struggling to get someone on his team to run for 30 seconds on the treadmill without stopping. He was so frustrated because everytime she got 10 seconds away she would stop. I've never seen Bob lose it like he did. Of course, Jillian and her team were watching. The woman eventually did it but Jillian made a comment that just stuck with me. She said the woman didn't believe in her mind that she could do it, so she couldn't. The next day on her weekly show recap she quesioned "What is your mind telling you that you can't do?"
I've really been thinking about how our minds are so powerful. What am I not doing because I think in my mind I can't? Relating to running- do I just think I can't run faster because I'm afraid to- or my mind is telling me I can't? I'm challenged to try to work past this. I've had a few hard workouts this week and everytime I'm tempted to stop because I think it's getting too hard; I fight my thoughts. It's really worked so far and I'm excited to see what happens. I've always known the mind is a powerful thing and that so many athletes use sports psychologists and I'm starting to understand the mind/performance connection a little better.
A few weeks ago, Bob was struggling to get someone on his team to run for 30 seconds on the treadmill without stopping. He was so frustrated because everytime she got 10 seconds away she would stop. I've never seen Bob lose it like he did. Of course, Jillian and her team were watching. The woman eventually did it but Jillian made a comment that just stuck with me. She said the woman didn't believe in her mind that she could do it, so she couldn't. The next day on her weekly show recap she quesioned "What is your mind telling you that you can't do?"
I've really been thinking about how our minds are so powerful. What am I not doing because I think in my mind I can't? Relating to running- do I just think I can't run faster because I'm afraid to- or my mind is telling me I can't? I'm challenged to try to work past this. I've had a few hard workouts this week and everytime I'm tempted to stop because I think it's getting too hard; I fight my thoughts. It's really worked so far and I'm excited to see what happens. I've always known the mind is a powerful thing and that so many athletes use sports psychologists and I'm starting to understand the mind/performance connection a little better.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
That's why it's called speedWORK!
Whew! I did my speedwork workout this morning. I only got in 7 miles out of the 8 I was supposed to do because my husband had to leave early to go on a business trip. But let me tell you, I worked harder in those 7 miles than I thought possible. The end result: I was soaked and exhaused, but more encouraged than I've ever been.
Here's how the workout went: (I'm doing this more for my own purpose so I can look back on it and rmember what I did and actually see it really happened.) I warmed up for a mile at a 9:23 pace. I was really unsure if I could run a mile at a 7:51 pace and decided to work myself up to it. Speed mile #1 at 8:13 pace. I felt pretty good and did a 1/2 mile recovery. Speed mile #2 started at an 8:06 pace and I decided to run the last 1/4 mile at a 8 min pace. Again, I was pretty tired and took my recovery 1/2 mile at a 9:30 pace. I decided that I could run a mile at an 8 mile pace. Speed mile #3 started at an 8 mile pace and I ran the last maybe 1/8 of a mile at a 7:53 pace. Okay, when I was done, I thought I might fall off the treadmill. I even slowed it down to a walk for a few minutes. After speeding back up to a run I had a little conversation (more like battle) with myself. I knew I was running out of time and was temped to just jog the last mile of my workout and stop at 6.5 miles. I also know I'm obsessive about my workouts and would feel like I failed if I didn't do the whole speed session. So, speed mile #4 looked like this: first 1/4 at 8:24, second 1/4 at 8:13, third 1/4 mile at 8:06 and last 1/4 mile at 8:00. I finished with a 1/2 mile recovery.
No, I didn't do 4 miles at a 7:51 pace, but I ran faster than I ever have. I actually ran a whole mile at lower than an 8 minute mile. More importantly, I pushed myself to places I've never been. I battled my mind, and I won. I didn't give up when things got tough and pushed myself harder than I thought I could.
Here's how the workout went: (I'm doing this more for my own purpose so I can look back on it and rmember what I did and actually see it really happened.) I warmed up for a mile at a 9:23 pace. I was really unsure if I could run a mile at a 7:51 pace and decided to work myself up to it. Speed mile #1 at 8:13 pace. I felt pretty good and did a 1/2 mile recovery. Speed mile #2 started at an 8:06 pace and I decided to run the last 1/4 mile at a 8 min pace. Again, I was pretty tired and took my recovery 1/2 mile at a 9:30 pace. I decided that I could run a mile at an 8 mile pace. Speed mile #3 started at an 8 mile pace and I ran the last maybe 1/8 of a mile at a 7:53 pace. Okay, when I was done, I thought I might fall off the treadmill. I even slowed it down to a walk for a few minutes. After speeding back up to a run I had a little conversation (more like battle) with myself. I knew I was running out of time and was temped to just jog the last mile of my workout and stop at 6.5 miles. I also know I'm obsessive about my workouts and would feel like I failed if I didn't do the whole speed session. So, speed mile #4 looked like this: first 1/4 at 8:24, second 1/4 at 8:13, third 1/4 mile at 8:06 and last 1/4 mile at 8:00. I finished with a 1/2 mile recovery.
No, I didn't do 4 miles at a 7:51 pace, but I ran faster than I ever have. I actually ran a whole mile at lower than an 8 minute mile. More importantly, I pushed myself to places I've never been. I battled my mind, and I won. I didn't give up when things got tough and pushed myself harder than I thought I could.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
another one bites the dust
I made it through my treadmill workout! I'm so psyched. It was one of the hardest workouts I've ever done- and I was sore the next day. I tried not to be intimidated by the 8:28 pace I was supposed to keep over 5 miles. I started out at a 8:40 pace and kept increasing my speed each mile. I ended at an 8:27 pace. I didn't exactly do what I was supposed to, but I was happy with the effort.
Today's challenge was a 9 mile run. I was dreading it, but it too was good. My pace was 9:50 per mile and my goal was 9:51. Perfect. BTW- these aren't just random time goals. I'm following a half marathon training program from Runner's World. Each day has a distance to run and a pace to run it at. My next run is a slow 2 mile run. However, on Wednesday I have a 8 mile speedwork workout. 4x1600 at a 7:51 pace (ha, ha) with 800 jogs in between. Go luck to me!
I am getting excited though. 7 weeks from today I'll be running my half marathon. I'm encouraged by today's run.
Today's challenge was a 9 mile run. I was dreading it, but it too was good. My pace was 9:50 per mile and my goal was 9:51. Perfect. BTW- these aren't just random time goals. I'm following a half marathon training program from Runner's World. Each day has a distance to run and a pace to run it at. My next run is a slow 2 mile run. However, on Wednesday I have a 8 mile speedwork workout. 4x1600 at a 7:51 pace (ha, ha) with 800 jogs in between. Go luck to me!
I am getting excited though. 7 weeks from today I'll be running my half marathon. I'm encouraged by today's run.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New Year
Wow, I just re-read my old posts and wish I hadn't taken such a long break. It's good to go back and read about what my workouts were like and what I was going through. I can't believe it's been over three months since I've posted anything. Let's see, I've run a 10K and a Turkey Trot and am less than 8 weeks away from my half marathon. I'm scheduled to run 9 miles this weekend. The 10K was great considering I wasn't trained for it. The Turkey Trot (8K) was awesome- I averaged an 8:33 pace which is great for me!
Right now I'm kind of stuck in the doldrums of winter training. It's cold and I don't like to run in the cold- especially 9 miles. Tomorrow morning I'm facing 7 miles on a treadmill with speedwork thrown in. I'm afraid I won't be able to get all my miles in before getting kicked off the treadmill. (There's a 30 minute time limit.) The gym was packed with people and their New Year Resolutions so, I'll have to see.
My leg has been acting up which is my biggest concern. It was super sore last week. Fortunately it was my recovery week so I took a day off and just had two four mile runs to do. It doesn't hurt at all now, but I have a 20 mile week this week and a 21 mile week next week. I hope it holds up.
I'm excited for the race, but at the moment I can't fathom running 13.1 miles. It seems so long! After my last 8 mile run I was beat and I couldn't help wondering if I could possibly do another 5. I have to say the answer was a resounding "NO!"
Right now I'm kind of stuck in the doldrums of winter training. It's cold and I don't like to run in the cold- especially 9 miles. Tomorrow morning I'm facing 7 miles on a treadmill with speedwork thrown in. I'm afraid I won't be able to get all my miles in before getting kicked off the treadmill. (There's a 30 minute time limit.) The gym was packed with people and their New Year Resolutions so, I'll have to see.
My leg has been acting up which is my biggest concern. It was super sore last week. Fortunately it was my recovery week so I took a day off and just had two four mile runs to do. It doesn't hurt at all now, but I have a 20 mile week this week and a 21 mile week next week. I hope it holds up.
I'm excited for the race, but at the moment I can't fathom running 13.1 miles. It seems so long! After my last 8 mile run I was beat and I couldn't help wondering if I could possibly do another 5. I have to say the answer was a resounding "NO!"
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