I'm officially signed up to do the IronGirl Columbia next August. I was surfing the internet last night and decided to check out the website. To my surprise, not only was registration open, but it was getting full. There were over 100 M's registered! I panicked slightly and contemplated waking up my husband to see if I should register then and there. I decided to take my chances and see if it was still open today.
Well it is, and I'm registered. I'm excited to train again (this time I won't start so early) and improve my time. Now I have two goals, the half marathon and the tri.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Week one down
I'm done with week one of my training. I'm not blogging to say that. I'm actually writing to laugh at myself. I ran 5 miles today. The run started off really well. It was cold outside, but I warmed up quickly. I had no time goals, I just needed to get 5 miles in. Around mile 2 1/2 of an out an back course, I remember thinking how well the run was going and I was having one of those days when I feel like I can run forever. I haven't had one of those in a long time. I thought, "I wonder if I'll actually run further", which led to "I wonder how far I can run?".
Where's the laughing at myself part of that, you ask? Well it came of the back side of the out and back. The reason I was having such a great run is because the wind was at my back on the way out. Needless to say, the run wasn't as effortless on the way back. I chuckled to myself as the wind hit me in the face. And no, I didn't run any further than five miles.
Where's the laughing at myself part of that, you ask? Well it came of the back side of the out and back. The reason I was having such a great run is because the wind was at my back on the way out. Needless to say, the run wasn't as effortless on the way back. I chuckled to myself as the wind hit me in the face. And no, I didn't run any further than five miles.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
day one down
I went to the gym at 5:30 this morning and ran 3 miles. Just like I was supposed to. I forgot my ipod which really irritates me. I can't log in my miles manually so it says I'm three miles behind on my training log. For a exercise control freak like me, that's annoying. Oh well, I'll consider it therapy.
Now that I've exercised, I need to get control of my eating. I'm off to a good start. I usually fall apart mid-afternoon so I'll try my best to get through that.
Now that I've exercised, I need to get control of my eating. I'm off to a good start. I usually fall apart mid-afternoon so I'll try my best to get through that.
Monday, October 13, 2008
back on the wagon?
I have been undisciplined, unmotivated and discouraged for the past month. I haven't exercised much and have struggled with how to get back into it. I wonder if it's post triathlon blues? Really. I worked so hard for so long and then didn't have any goals. I just fell apart. I think (hope) I'm finally ready to get back on the exercise wagon.
I downloaded a 10K training program from Nike.com. I can track my progress using my iPod. Tomorrow it officially starts. I run 3 miles. This weekend it's 5. It takes me through January and I'll max out at 8 miles. That gives me 7 weeks to jump to 13 before my half-marathon. It may not be enough time. I'll have to see how it goes.
I did The Biggest Loser workout this afternoon. It was hard. I'm out of shape. It's discouraging how quickly it happens. A few weeks ago I was in great shape and now I'm back to mush. Wouldn't it be nice if once you got there, you stayed there? In my dreams. I sound like a whiner. Where is Jillian to kick my whiney butt? She would too. I know she'd probably make me cry like a baby and make my body do things it can't. It would be good for me though; that is, after I stop crying and can walk again.
I downloaded a 10K training program from Nike.com. I can track my progress using my iPod. Tomorrow it officially starts. I run 3 miles. This weekend it's 5. It takes me through January and I'll max out at 8 miles. That gives me 7 weeks to jump to 13 before my half-marathon. It may not be enough time. I'll have to see how it goes.
I did The Biggest Loser workout this afternoon. It was hard. I'm out of shape. It's discouraging how quickly it happens. A few weeks ago I was in great shape and now I'm back to mush. Wouldn't it be nice if once you got there, you stayed there? In my dreams. I sound like a whiner. Where is Jillian to kick my whiney butt? She would too. I know she'd probably make me cry like a baby and make my body do things it can't. It would be good for me though; that is, after I stop crying and can walk again.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
All signed up!
I'm officially signed up for the half marathon. I'm excited! I've also joined a group at sparkpeople.com of women who are also running it. I'm hoping it will motivate me to lose those 10 (now 15) pounds I've been struggling with.
I'm running a 5K this weekend at my 20th high school reunion. Just typing that feels weird. How did 20 years go by so quickly? I don't feel that old! Sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself at the right angle I look that old, but most of the time I'm in denial and think I still look pretty young. Well, I'm not trained for the 5K (I'm noticing a pattern here.) It's on the cross country course which I think means it will be a little harder than running on the road. But, on the positive side; it's better for my legs. I think I've run maybe 4 times since the 10K and gained 5 pounds. Should be interesting...
I'm running a 5K this weekend at my 20th high school reunion. Just typing that feels weird. How did 20 years go by so quickly? I don't feel that old! Sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself at the right angle I look that old, but most of the time I'm in denial and think I still look pretty young. Well, I'm not trained for the 5K (I'm noticing a pattern here.) It's on the cross country course which I think means it will be a little harder than running on the road. But, on the positive side; it's better for my legs. I think I've run maybe 4 times since the 10K and gained 5 pounds. Should be interesting...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
from Iron Girl to Princess?!!
Oh, I crack myself up. I am an obsessed person in need of some serious help. So this is what happened.... I got my latest issue of Runner's World and I'm looking through it when an advertisement catches my eye. It's the Inagural Disney Princess Half Marathon. It just happens to be when our family goes to Florida every year. There's a Family 5K and various kids races. How perfect. I've been searching for a new goal and this fits perfectly. Okay, I'm officially training for a half marathon in March.
As I'm reading through the information on the website, I happen upon the part that says if you can't prove you can finish the race in under 2 hours and 45 minutes you get placed in the last corral. Well, I can finish it in under that time (that's a 13:30 minute pace). What do I need to do to prove it? They accept any race results of a 10K or higher dating back to 2006. What, 2006? Not 2002?! I ran a 10 mile race and marathon in 2002, but haven't even come close since. What am I going to do? I don't want to start in the last corral!
When I was training for my triathlon I thought about doing a 10K to support Special Olympics. After my hard recovery and lack of motivation I wrote about in my last post, I decided not to. I've only run 3x since the Women's 4 miler and I don't race unless I feel like I can do my best. Well, guess who just went against all her own rules? Yup, me. On Saturday morning I was lining up with 400+ people to run a 10K (6.2 miles) that I wan't exactly trained for.
I was so pleasntly surprised by my results. I ran it in 54:58 which comes out to a 8:52 minute pace. I was thinking I could run it in about a 10 minute pace so I'm really happy. I also ran the race really smart. My first mile was 9:18 and I picked it up from there. My last mile was very tough, but I pushed myself at the end.
So, I'm a woman with a goal once again. I'd like to drop 10 pounds before March because I think it will help my running immensely. I feel much better.
As I'm reading through the information on the website, I happen upon the part that says if you can't prove you can finish the race in under 2 hours and 45 minutes you get placed in the last corral. Well, I can finish it in under that time (that's a 13:30 minute pace). What do I need to do to prove it? They accept any race results of a 10K or higher dating back to 2006. What, 2006? Not 2002?! I ran a 10 mile race and marathon in 2002, but haven't even come close since. What am I going to do? I don't want to start in the last corral!
When I was training for my triathlon I thought about doing a 10K to support Special Olympics. After my hard recovery and lack of motivation I wrote about in my last post, I decided not to. I've only run 3x since the Women's 4 miler and I don't race unless I feel like I can do my best. Well, guess who just went against all her own rules? Yup, me. On Saturday morning I was lining up with 400+ people to run a 10K (6.2 miles) that I wan't exactly trained for.
I was so pleasntly surprised by my results. I ran it in 54:58 which comes out to a 8:52 minute pace. I was thinking I could run it in about a 10 minute pace so I'm really happy. I also ran the race really smart. My first mile was 9:18 and I picked it up from there. My last mile was very tough, but I pushed myself at the end.
So, I'm a woman with a goal once again. I'd like to drop 10 pounds before March because I think it will help my running immensely. I feel much better.
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's been three weeks since the race and I've sturggled a little with focus and motivation. I guess that's natural after training for so long. I ran a 4 mile race with my oldest daughter the week after the tri. She did great! I was so proud of her. Her goal was to run the whole thing without walking which she did without a problem. She was able to really pick up the pace at the end and had a great kick through the finish. Way to go Bailee!
I was wiped out after the race and actually sore. I didn't push myself so I was confused. I think it was still from the tri. I took the week off after straining my hamstring doing a workout video with my husband (that's a whole different post!). I've been semi working out ever since. I just can't seem to pull myself out of bed in the morning. I think I just need something to work towards.
Anyway, I've been thinking about the triathlon and how poorly I did on the bike. I'm really mad at myself. What I didn't mention in my first post was how much my seat hurt during the race. I knew it wasn't the most comfortable seat, but WOW I was in pain! My bottom hurt so much that I was almost in tears by the end. I was in pain for several days afterwards. I know that was a factor. I need a new seat! I haven't ridden my bike since the race and I won't until I get a new seat.
That's where I am right now. Recovery and searching for something new.
I was wiped out after the race and actually sore. I didn't push myself so I was confused. I think it was still from the tri. I took the week off after straining my hamstring doing a workout video with my husband (that's a whole different post!). I've been semi working out ever since. I just can't seem to pull myself out of bed in the morning. I think I just need something to work towards.
Anyway, I've been thinking about the triathlon and how poorly I did on the bike. I'm really mad at myself. What I didn't mention in my first post was how much my seat hurt during the race. I knew it wasn't the most comfortable seat, but WOW I was in pain! My bottom hurt so much that I was almost in tears by the end. I was in pain for several days afterwards. I know that was a factor. I need a new seat! I haven't ridden my bike since the race and I won't until I get a new seat.
That's where I am right now. Recovery and searching for something new.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
It's official- I'm an IRON GIRL!
I did it! I finished my first triathlon! I'm exhausted (not just from the race but from driving 6+ hours afterwards), but I feel good. I felt really good after the race, both physically and emotionally. I've had a lot of time to think about it, but I'll share my initial thoughts first.
My overall feeling before the race was fear and nervousness. I woke up at 2:30 am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Surprisingly, I was able to eat something but my stomach was a mess. I knew rationally that I could do it, I just couldn't shake the doubts. I had a great support group at the race; not only Kevin, but friends from home and family. It was great to have them there. I felt very loved.
My swim wave went off at 7:21 and it was so hard to get ready for that. I fought back tears as I went to get in line with my age group. I tried so hard not to cry. I just knew that at that point there was no going back and I was going to have to face my fears. I actually laughed at myself, but I still couldn't help it. Once I got swimming I was fine. I did way more freestyle than in the practice. I still did a fair share of breaststroke but I was okay with that. It was way less crowded which was a huge help. I struggled getting out of the water and going to my bike. I was tired and feeling a little queasy. I didn't go as fast as I could have, I was just concentrating on getting myself together.
Transition #1 was slow. I messed up cleaning off my feet and had to do it 2x. I also didn't tighten my bike shoes enough so I had to stop and do that too. I clipped on without a problem and off I went.
The theme of the bike was getting passed. I got passed my a lot. I had some fears to conquer on the bike and I think I did that. I was very afraid of riding in traffic and passing people but got more comfortable as the ride went on. I was also afraid of switching gears from high to low because I've had a problem of dropping my chain doing this. Even though I had my bike looked at and the problem fixed before the tri, I didn't ride it enough beforehand to be comfortable at the race. I spent the first 10 miles of the bike on my small gear which means I paid for it in speed on the downhills. I was hoping to get my bike time to about an hour and 5 minutes. Didn't happen but I feel like under the circumstances, I can't ask for more. The other thing I need to work on is drinking on the bike. I didn't get in enough fluids because I'm not comfortable drinking while I petal. Another thing to work on.
Transition #2 was great. I had a great spot right to the side of the bike entrance and it made a huge difference in my time. I felt pretty good. My calves cramped a little and my legs were tired, but overall things were good.
I was dreading the hills of the run and just tried to keep and even pace. I passed tons of people in my age group. I was thinking "You may have passed me on the bike but who's passing who now!". The hills were hard, but I slugged through them. I picked up the pace a little near the end and sprinted to the finish. I had way too much left at the end. I guess I should have pushed a little harder, but again, I'm just happy I finished strong.
My overall feeling at the end was relief. I'm happy that I finished, and feel like I did well, especially since it was my first time, but mostly I'm just glad the pressure's off. I felt so much pressure leading up to this event and I'm so happy to be done.
I left feeling like I'd like to do it again. Kevin asked me if I liked it. I wouldn't say liked. It was definitely hard, but I liked the challenge. I liked that it pushed me to try new things and train in a way I've never done before. I think Iron Girl Columbia may be seeing me again next year.
My overall feeling before the race was fear and nervousness. I woke up at 2:30 am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Surprisingly, I was able to eat something but my stomach was a mess. I knew rationally that I could do it, I just couldn't shake the doubts. I had a great support group at the race; not only Kevin, but friends from home and family. It was great to have them there. I felt very loved.
My swim wave went off at 7:21 and it was so hard to get ready for that. I fought back tears as I went to get in line with my age group. I tried so hard not to cry. I just knew that at that point there was no going back and I was going to have to face my fears. I actually laughed at myself, but I still couldn't help it. Once I got swimming I was fine. I did way more freestyle than in the practice. I still did a fair share of breaststroke but I was okay with that. It was way less crowded which was a huge help. I struggled getting out of the water and going to my bike. I was tired and feeling a little queasy. I didn't go as fast as I could have, I was just concentrating on getting myself together.
Transition #1 was slow. I messed up cleaning off my feet and had to do it 2x. I also didn't tighten my bike shoes enough so I had to stop and do that too. I clipped on without a problem and off I went.
The theme of the bike was getting passed. I got passed my a lot. I had some fears to conquer on the bike and I think I did that. I was very afraid of riding in traffic and passing people but got more comfortable as the ride went on. I was also afraid of switching gears from high to low because I've had a problem of dropping my chain doing this. Even though I had my bike looked at and the problem fixed before the tri, I didn't ride it enough beforehand to be comfortable at the race. I spent the first 10 miles of the bike on my small gear which means I paid for it in speed on the downhills. I was hoping to get my bike time to about an hour and 5 minutes. Didn't happen but I feel like under the circumstances, I can't ask for more. The other thing I need to work on is drinking on the bike. I didn't get in enough fluids because I'm not comfortable drinking while I petal. Another thing to work on.
Transition #2 was great. I had a great spot right to the side of the bike entrance and it made a huge difference in my time. I felt pretty good. My calves cramped a little and my legs were tired, but overall things were good.
I was dreading the hills of the run and just tried to keep and even pace. I passed tons of people in my age group. I was thinking "You may have passed me on the bike but who's passing who now!". The hills were hard, but I slugged through them. I picked up the pace a little near the end and sprinted to the finish. I had way too much left at the end. I guess I should have pushed a little harder, but again, I'm just happy I finished strong.
My overall feeling at the end was relief. I'm happy that I finished, and feel like I did well, especially since it was my first time, but mostly I'm just glad the pressure's off. I felt so much pressure leading up to this event and I'm so happy to be done.
I left feeling like I'd like to do it again. Kevin asked me if I liked it. I wouldn't say liked. It was definitely hard, but I liked the challenge. I liked that it pushed me to try new things and train in a way I've never done before. I think Iron Girl Columbia may be seeing me again next year.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
practice tri
Well, I haven't posted in forever. Mostly because I've been so discouraged from the practice tri. It's not that it was absolutely horrible; just harder than I thought. I'm 3 days away from the real thing. I can't believe it's finally here. I've struggled with motivation these past three weeks. Combine that with a week at the beach and a kitchen remodel- needless to say, it's been hard.
But back to the practice tri. I got to Columbia at around 10pm Thursday night. Traffic was really heavy, and I didn't know where I was going. I got settled and went to bed. I had a really nice room and was temped to skip the whole practice tri and spend the day by myself in my room. I woke up at 4:50 to get to Centennial Park by 7. I was really nervous and couldn't really stomach my oatmeal. You have to understand, I'm not comfortable doing new things by myself. It's way out of my comfort zone. The fact that I drove to MD by myself, stayed in a hotel by myself and went to the start of the practice event by myself is huge! I struggle with feeling of inferiority and I had to fight them.
I'd say there were about 500 women there. At around 7:30 they started the swim. I was one of the last waves to go (based on age). They were giving the waves a 3 minute separation, but by the time they got to me they just sent everyone. The swim was good and bad. Good in that I didn't freak out swimming in open water. I didn't think I would as I've spend many summers swimming at a lake. What wasn't good was that I couldn't get into a rhythm at all. Every time I tried to do freestyle I either ran into someone or was run into. Now, I'm not a straight swimmer and really rely on the lines at the bottom of the pool. I know it's going to be a struggle for me to stay straight. However, I did breast stroke about 75% if the time. That's just not acceptable. It took me 26 minutes to do 800M. The race is 1100M. Not good. I was also a little wobbly when I got out of the water which I didn't like. I'm sure my breathing wasn't regular.
I tried as fast as I could to have a quick transition which I did. I put on my shoes and socks and took a swig of water and off I went. I thought I heard there's be water on the course. It turned out there wasn't. Had I know that I would have brought some with me. I was really hurting as it was very hot. The run was more discouraging than the swim! I couldn't believe how hilly it was. I wasn't expecting it, so in that case it's probably good I ran it before hand. I was exhausted afterwards (I ran about a 9:30 pace) and all I could think was that I hadn't even biked yet.
I brought my bike but didn't think I would do the course. It was so late by the time I finished the run (and so hot), I decided to drive it in my car. It's also on a very busy road and on a Friday I didn't feel safe riding it. I'm glad I didn't. When I drove it in my car, I saw that there's very little shoulder and traffic was very heavy. There were women riding it, but I'm glad I wasn't one of them. There are two big hills but nothing I don't see here. I think I'll be okay. I just have to figure out how hard to go in order to save my legs for the run. One of the things that disappointed me during my trial tri here was that my bike was so slow. I thought I could do the distance in a little over an hour and it took me more than an hour and 15 minutes. I'm not sure what to expect race day.
After the drive I headed back to the hotel to shower and nap. I was really tired from not being able to sleep the night before. When I took my tri suit off there was green lake grass underneath. Gross. I had it on my goggles during the swim and it was pretty thick during the swim. Yuck! My feet were also soaked from the water dripping down after the swim. I felt the squishing during the run. I hope that won't happen during the race as I'll be biking before I run. I showered and passed out for about 30 minutes and then headed home.
In the time I've had to think about my experience, Ive realized it was good to go. I think I had some unrealistic expectations about the tri and I'll be happy just to finish. I've really struggled getting myself motivated to keep up the level of training. I'm ready though. I need to remind myself that I am and I can do this!
But back to the practice tri. I got to Columbia at around 10pm Thursday night. Traffic was really heavy, and I didn't know where I was going. I got settled and went to bed. I had a really nice room and was temped to skip the whole practice tri and spend the day by myself in my room. I woke up at 4:50 to get to Centennial Park by 7. I was really nervous and couldn't really stomach my oatmeal. You have to understand, I'm not comfortable doing new things by myself. It's way out of my comfort zone. The fact that I drove to MD by myself, stayed in a hotel by myself and went to the start of the practice event by myself is huge! I struggle with feeling of inferiority and I had to fight them.
I'd say there were about 500 women there. At around 7:30 they started the swim. I was one of the last waves to go (based on age). They were giving the waves a 3 minute separation, but by the time they got to me they just sent everyone. The swim was good and bad. Good in that I didn't freak out swimming in open water. I didn't think I would as I've spend many summers swimming at a lake. What wasn't good was that I couldn't get into a rhythm at all. Every time I tried to do freestyle I either ran into someone or was run into. Now, I'm not a straight swimmer and really rely on the lines at the bottom of the pool. I know it's going to be a struggle for me to stay straight. However, I did breast stroke about 75% if the time. That's just not acceptable. It took me 26 minutes to do 800M. The race is 1100M. Not good. I was also a little wobbly when I got out of the water which I didn't like. I'm sure my breathing wasn't regular.
I tried as fast as I could to have a quick transition which I did. I put on my shoes and socks and took a swig of water and off I went. I thought I heard there's be water on the course. It turned out there wasn't. Had I know that I would have brought some with me. I was really hurting as it was very hot. The run was more discouraging than the swim! I couldn't believe how hilly it was. I wasn't expecting it, so in that case it's probably good I ran it before hand. I was exhausted afterwards (I ran about a 9:30 pace) and all I could think was that I hadn't even biked yet.
I brought my bike but didn't think I would do the course. It was so late by the time I finished the run (and so hot), I decided to drive it in my car. It's also on a very busy road and on a Friday I didn't feel safe riding it. I'm glad I didn't. When I drove it in my car, I saw that there's very little shoulder and traffic was very heavy. There were women riding it, but I'm glad I wasn't one of them. There are two big hills but nothing I don't see here. I think I'll be okay. I just have to figure out how hard to go in order to save my legs for the run. One of the things that disappointed me during my trial tri here was that my bike was so slow. I thought I could do the distance in a little over an hour and it took me more than an hour and 15 minutes. I'm not sure what to expect race day.
After the drive I headed back to the hotel to shower and nap. I was really tired from not being able to sleep the night before. When I took my tri suit off there was green lake grass underneath. Gross. I had it on my goggles during the swim and it was pretty thick during the swim. Yuck! My feet were also soaked from the water dripping down after the swim. I felt the squishing during the run. I hope that won't happen during the race as I'll be biking before I run. I showered and passed out for about 30 minutes and then headed home.
In the time I've had to think about my experience, Ive realized it was good to go. I think I had some unrealistic expectations about the tri and I'll be happy just to finish. I've really struggled getting myself motivated to keep up the level of training. I'm ready though. I need to remind myself that I am and I can do this!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. I've kind of been in a rut. I've done all (almost) my workouts and feel like I'm just going through the motions a little bit. I was mildly sick for almost 10 days (stomach). It was weird, I worked out in the morning and felt mostly fine but by mid-afternoon my stomach cramped. Every day for almost 10 days. I'm pretty sure it's related to being on the pill which I'm on short term. We'll see what happens this month. I'm better now though, and so thankful. It's amazing how when I get sick I realize how much I take my health for granted. Thank you God, for each and every day you've given me.
I leave tomorrow for the trial tri. If I'm honest with myself, I'm terrified. When I get through the swim I'll feel so much better. I just read an article last night about several triathletes who've died during the swim this year. I shouldn't have read it. I'm not really worried about it, but I don't need any doubts right now. On a happier note, this morning I got positive feedback on my swimming. There are some hard-core swimmers at the pool where I swim. About a month ago, one gave me some tips on my kick, which is really bad. Another one today commented that my stroke is much better and I'm swimming faster. He also had a few additional tips for me. I've been working so hard on my kick. It's nice to know it's making a difference. I'll try to incorporate his tips in the next few weeks to see if it makes a difference.
I'll post Friday or Saturday after I finish my trial tri.
I leave tomorrow for the trial tri. If I'm honest with myself, I'm terrified. When I get through the swim I'll feel so much better. I just read an article last night about several triathletes who've died during the swim this year. I shouldn't have read it. I'm not really worried about it, but I don't need any doubts right now. On a happier note, this morning I got positive feedback on my swimming. There are some hard-core swimmers at the pool where I swim. About a month ago, one gave me some tips on my kick, which is really bad. Another one today commented that my stroke is much better and I'm swimming faster. He also had a few additional tips for me. I've been working so hard on my kick. It's nice to know it's making a difference. I'll try to incorporate his tips in the next few weeks to see if it makes a difference.
I'll post Friday or Saturday after I finish my trial tri.
Monday, July 14, 2008
forced rest
I've been taking the past few days off... I pulled my hamstring. I'm not sure how I did it. I think it was last Tuesday. I was feeling especially tired on my way to the gym but did a Jillian workout and then ran. I struggled through the whole thing and by the evening my hamstring was very sore. Wednesday was even worse, but I swam anyway. I took Thursday and Friday off. Saturday I woke up with a headache so I didn't bike. However, Kevin and I went mountain biking Saturday (thanks, Barbara) and I had a killer workout. I wiped out once and had some trouble with Kevin's bike. It wouldn't shift to the easiest gears. I almost didn't make it up a few hills, but I figured it was a better workout in the long run. Yesterday I ran 4 miles and today I swam and biked and then ran with Bailee (while pushing the double jogging stroller!). So.... I guess I'm back on track.
I made my hotel reservation for the trial run on August 1st. I'm going to go by myself which should be interesting. It's starting to seem real to me. I have a little less than six weeks left. In a way that's a long time, but I also know it will fly by. I feel really good about my bike workout today. It was on the indoor trainer (which I can't stand!) and I really pushed myself. I've got to get that bike time down. Tomorrow I'm going to do some core work and run on the treadmill and try a tempo run. I'm giving up Jillian for the time being. I think it's just too much stress on my already fatigued muscles.
I made my hotel reservation for the trial run on August 1st. I'm going to go by myself which should be interesting. It's starting to seem real to me. I have a little less than six weeks left. In a way that's a long time, but I also know it will fly by. I feel really good about my bike workout today. It was on the indoor trainer (which I can't stand!) and I really pushed myself. I've got to get that bike time down. Tomorrow I'm going to do some core work and run on the treadmill and try a tempo run. I'm giving up Jillian for the time being. I think it's just too much stress on my already fatigued muscles.
Friday, July 4, 2008
It's done. I did my first unofficial triathlon. I am very tired, but nothing hurts and I am encouraged.
I woke up at 5 and headed to the pool for my 40 laps. I can't believe how well it went. I was not tired afterward and not dizzy or lightheaded. My time was 26:43. Not awesome but better than I hoped for. I left the pool very encouraged and feeling great. Off to the bike.
I was a little intimidated by the bike when I mapped my route yesterday. It's way longer than I've ridden. I had a time in my head that I thought I could ride in. Lets just say I didn't come close. I finished the bike in 1:16. I was surprised that I struggled so much. It's not that I felt horrible but I didn't push myself very hard because I was afraid of over working my legs for the run. I definitely need to work on the bike. I'm not discouraged though, I have 7 weeks to train and that's plenty of time. Now for the worst part...
Oh my legs were tired for the run. So much for trying to save my legs. I was exhausted. I was trying to keep my focus mentally, but it was hard. I thought going into it that my legs would feel better as the run went on. They did periodically, but overall they were just tired. Another area I need to work on. My time was 32:17 which translates to a 9:31 minute per mile. I hope I can run much faster on race day.
When I was done, I was exhausted. In fact, I'm off to get a nap soon. I feel so empowered. I know I can do it. I am so glad I did the whole thing because now I know where I need to work. I've got some serious work to do on the bike and the transition to run. I've spent so much time on the swim that I've neglected the other areas. 7 weeks tomorrow and counting.
I woke up at 5 and headed to the pool for my 40 laps. I can't believe how well it went. I was not tired afterward and not dizzy or lightheaded. My time was 26:43. Not awesome but better than I hoped for. I left the pool very encouraged and feeling great. Off to the bike.
I was a little intimidated by the bike when I mapped my route yesterday. It's way longer than I've ridden. I had a time in my head that I thought I could ride in. Lets just say I didn't come close. I finished the bike in 1:16. I was surprised that I struggled so much. It's not that I felt horrible but I didn't push myself very hard because I was afraid of over working my legs for the run. I definitely need to work on the bike. I'm not discouraged though, I have 7 weeks to train and that's plenty of time. Now for the worst part...
Oh my legs were tired for the run. So much for trying to save my legs. I was exhausted. I was trying to keep my focus mentally, but it was hard. I thought going into it that my legs would feel better as the run went on. They did periodically, but overall they were just tired. Another area I need to work on. My time was 32:17 which translates to a 9:31 minute per mile. I hope I can run much faster on race day.
When I was done, I was exhausted. In fact, I'm off to get a nap soon. I feel so empowered. I know I can do it. I am so glad I did the whole thing because now I know where I need to work. I've got some serious work to do on the bike and the transition to run. I've spent so much time on the swim that I've neglected the other areas. 7 weeks tomorrow and counting.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Here's the plan for tomorrow. 5:30 AM- swim for 30 minutes. Rush home and hit the bike by 6:15 for a 30 minute ride. Rush to a 5K that starts at 7:30 and register and run.
It's my first official "brick". It should be interesting. I'm hoping to get a nap today to prepare and also hydrate myself. I'm nervous (mostly because there's not a lot of time to get from one point to the next), but excited. I'll try to post tomorrow before we head off camping for the weekend.
It's 10PM and I have a much better idea for tomorrow. I'm going to bag the 5k. First I'll start off swimming my total distance- no pressure on the time. Then I'll bike the full 17 miles (I measured it by car today and it's an awfully long way!). I'll finish with a 3.4 mile run. I save myself $25 and can take my time getting through each element. Good luck to me.
It's my first official "brick". It should be interesting. I'm hoping to get a nap today to prepare and also hydrate myself. I'm nervous (mostly because there's not a lot of time to get from one point to the next), but excited. I'll try to post tomorrow before we head off camping for the weekend.
It's 10PM and I have a much better idea for tomorrow. I'm going to bag the 5k. First I'll start off swimming my total distance- no pressure on the time. Then I'll bike the full 17 miles (I measured it by car today and it's an awfully long way!). I'll finish with a 3.4 mile run. I save myself $25 and can take my time getting through each element. Good luck to me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
time predictions
The more I write in this blog, the more I realize how quirky I am. It's not a good thing. I've spent a lot of time thinking about my goal for my triathlon. I actually have three goals (time-wise). Of course, I know that for every race you should have a goal to do your best and have a good time. (bla, bla, bla..) Now, going past that, I always have three goals. The first is the "This is what I really want my time to be, but it may not be realistic" goal. The second is "I'll still be happy if I get this time" goal. And the third is "Not my best race but still respectable" goal. I do it for every race. I guess it's a way of protecting myself from failing. I usually fall in the second category which I guess is good. I rarely meet my highest goal, but I also rarely get my lowest one.
It's hard to predict my triathlon time because I've never done one. You'd think that would stop me from trying. I know I should go into it with the goal of having a good time. I do want to have a good time, but I also think that having a bigger goal gives me something to push for. I remember when I ran my first marathon I was told by most people not to have a time goal and that just finishing should be enough. The director of the training group I was in wanted us to have a goal, in fact he sat down with each of us to go over our goals. If you went into the meeting without a time goal, he made sure you left with one. I completely agree with him. Again, I had three goals and I met the middle one. I had to push myself to meet that goal and I know I would be disappointed overall if I just wanted to finish. There would always be the question of "Could I have done better?". Having the goals I did, I know I did my best.
I'm not going to put my time goals in print because it's too scary, especially given the fact that I don't know what I'm getting myself into. They might be way off. But, for better or worse, they're there and I hope to at least meet my middle goal.
It's hard to predict my triathlon time because I've never done one. You'd think that would stop me from trying. I know I should go into it with the goal of having a good time. I do want to have a good time, but I also think that having a bigger goal gives me something to push for. I remember when I ran my first marathon I was told by most people not to have a time goal and that just finishing should be enough. The director of the training group I was in wanted us to have a goal, in fact he sat down with each of us to go over our goals. If you went into the meeting without a time goal, he made sure you left with one. I completely agree with him. Again, I had three goals and I met the middle one. I had to push myself to meet that goal and I know I would be disappointed overall if I just wanted to finish. There would always be the question of "Could I have done better?". Having the goals I did, I know I did my best.
I'm not going to put my time goals in print because it's too scary, especially given the fact that I don't know what I'm getting myself into. They might be way off. But, for better or worse, they're there and I hope to at least meet my middle goal.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
This is a post I've thought about before but just haven't found the time to write.
I'm obsessed with playlists.
Hi, my name is Lisa, and I'm obsessed with playlists. It's not so much the playlist itself but finding the perfect music to match my running. I can remember as early as highschool trying to create the perfect playlist. I need slow songs at the right time and fast songs to get me going when I need it most. It's a hard thing to do. Believe me, I have tons of old tapes to prove that I've tried. I actually enjoy listening to my old efforts. They make me laugh.
I got an iPod for Christmas and it has not helped the obsession. My playlist called "Lisa Run" has 38 songs on it. That's a pretty long run. I've never listened to the whole thing on one run. Then there's my "Country Run" mix which only has 16 songs. I have a partial "Christian Run". It's not complete yet. I haven't found the perfect combo on any of them. I think it's because it doesn't exsist. When I run (or now bike on my indoor trainer), I need a different mix depending on my mood and type of workout I'm doing. There's no way I can find a mix that captures each mood. Let me say that I've been partially sucessful, so at least I'm getting somewhere.
So, I know you're thinking, "She's wasting her time. Why is she so obsessed?". The answer has two parts. Firstly, it's fun. I love to find songs that I love and put them together. Secondly, because when it works, IT REALLY WORKS! There's nothing better than running to the perfect song that helps me get through a workout.
Here are some examples from my playlists:
Your Love is Better than Life- Newsboys
Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns
I'm So Excited- Pointer Sisters (Jackie stop laughing!)
Punp It- Black Eyed Peas (lyrics aren't great)
Cotton Eyed Joe-Scatman John (there's a better version out there)
Over You- Daughtry
There's just a sample. Kevin just made an 80's mix so I know my list will soon be getting longer. I've wasted countless hours surfing websites with running mixes. They even have them on iTunes. None of them fit my criteria.
I know what I'll do... When I finally make the perfect mix, I'll sell it and make millions of dollars.
I'm obsessed with playlists.
Hi, my name is Lisa, and I'm obsessed with playlists. It's not so much the playlist itself but finding the perfect music to match my running. I can remember as early as highschool trying to create the perfect playlist. I need slow songs at the right time and fast songs to get me going when I need it most. It's a hard thing to do. Believe me, I have tons of old tapes to prove that I've tried. I actually enjoy listening to my old efforts. They make me laugh.
I got an iPod for Christmas and it has not helped the obsession. My playlist called "Lisa Run" has 38 songs on it. That's a pretty long run. I've never listened to the whole thing on one run. Then there's my "Country Run" mix which only has 16 songs. I have a partial "Christian Run". It's not complete yet. I haven't found the perfect combo on any of them. I think it's because it doesn't exsist. When I run (or now bike on my indoor trainer), I need a different mix depending on my mood and type of workout I'm doing. There's no way I can find a mix that captures each mood. Let me say that I've been partially sucessful, so at least I'm getting somewhere.
So, I know you're thinking, "She's wasting her time. Why is she so obsessed?". The answer has two parts. Firstly, it's fun. I love to find songs that I love and put them together. Secondly, because when it works, IT REALLY WORKS! There's nothing better than running to the perfect song that helps me get through a workout.
Here are some examples from my playlists:
Your Love is Better than Life- Newsboys
Voice of Truth- Casting Crowns
I'm So Excited- Pointer Sisters (Jackie stop laughing!)
Punp It- Black Eyed Peas (lyrics aren't great)
Cotton Eyed Joe-Scatman John (there's a better version out there)
Over You- Daughtry
There's just a sample. Kevin just made an 80's mix so I know my list will soon be getting longer. I've wasted countless hours surfing websites with running mixes. They even have them on iTunes. None of them fit my criteria.
I know what I'll do... When I finally make the perfect mix, I'll sell it and make millions of dollars.
Friday, June 20, 2008
trisuit and more in NYC
I am in NYC with Kevin for a mini-vacation. While we're here I thought I'd try to get some workouts in. I did horribly last week as Kevin was away and my sister was visiting. I actually freaked out for the first time and had some doubts as to whether or not I can do this. I went six days without doing anything and then when I had to do a long run, I completely lost my confidence. It's amazing how fast I lost my fitness, at least I thought I did.
Anyway, here I am in NYC and I did a spin class today and also ran. Yesterday I did some core work and tomorrow I'm running. It's been a productive time.
The highlight of this trip (or you'll see soon, the low point) was that I bought my outfit for the triathlon. We went to a tri store called SBR. I really struggled with what to wear and knew I needed to try on some stuff. I must have tried on at least 10 different things and let me say it was quite humbling. There wasn't a mirror so I depended on Kevin to let me know how things looked. Let me say, I didn't need a mirror to figure out things weren't looking too good. Have you ever tried on a one piece TIGHT spandex outfit? It is not a fun experience. I did end up buying one, and it's motivated me big time to work on my weight, (specifially my stomach). I'm going to embarass myself if I don't do something. I've really learned about my issues with body image and how I thought I looked a certain way and don't. (That's a whole other post.)
So, I'm officially ready. I have 10 weeks of training left (maybe nine?) and I'm scared. I'm hoping if I put the time in and stick to the schedule things will be okay.
Anyway, here I am in NYC and I did a spin class today and also ran. Yesterday I did some core work and tomorrow I'm running. It's been a productive time.
The highlight of this trip (or you'll see soon, the low point) was that I bought my outfit for the triathlon. We went to a tri store called SBR. I really struggled with what to wear and knew I needed to try on some stuff. I must have tried on at least 10 different things and let me say it was quite humbling. There wasn't a mirror so I depended on Kevin to let me know how things looked. Let me say, I didn't need a mirror to figure out things weren't looking too good. Have you ever tried on a one piece TIGHT spandex outfit? It is not a fun experience. I did end up buying one, and it's motivated me big time to work on my weight, (specifially my stomach). I'm going to embarass myself if I don't do something. I've really learned about my issues with body image and how I thought I looked a certain way and don't. (That's a whole other post.)
So, I'm officially ready. I have 10 weeks of training left (maybe nine?) and I'm scared. I'm hoping if I put the time in and stick to the schedule things will be okay.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Open Water Swim
Last weekend my family went camping at Sherando Lake. My girls love to swim so we knew we'd be spending time at the lake. I thought I'd bring my suit and goggles in case I wanted to try an open water swim.
Friday afternoon I did just that. At least, I think it might have passed for a form of swimming. Now, I've read that if you're planning on doing a triathlon with an open water swim it's imperative to try it beforehand because it's much different than swimming in a pool. I understood that in my mind but really thought it couldn't be that much different. I also assumed I wouldn't have any open water JAWS type issues. I swam in a lake every summer at camp and it never bothered me. I didn't think swimming a triathlon in a lake wouldn't really effect me but thought since there was one sitting right in front of me, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
I couldn't believe how hard it was. First of all, I couldn't swim straight. I sighted every 4 or so strokes but if I went any further, I was way off to the right. i was laughing to myself (and later on found out my husband was also laughing on shore) when I'd look up to see how off course I was. Then I'd have to swim back to where I was supposed to be. I didn't freak out in the water, but definitely didn't like it. I was afraid to put my feet down even when I know I could touch. My heart rate was elevated throughout the swim and I fatigued much more quickly than I thought I would. I was disappointed that after swimming what felt like forever, it was less than 20 minutes. I have no idea how far I swam but know it wasn't close to what my race will be. When I got out of the water and walked up the beach I was lightheaded and dizzy. I could barely walk, let alone run 3.4 miles!
Initially I was very discouraged. I know my swim is weak- very weak, but I didn't think it would be THAT bad. I was most concerned that I couldn't keep up freestyle and had to go to breaststroke so quickly and that I was so dizzy at the end. I was kind of down the rest of the weekend and really wondered about my ability to do this tri. I've kind of thought all along that if I had to do the race today I could. It wouldn't be pretty but I could do it. I started thinking maybe I was wrong and this is going to be much harder than I anticipated.
I've had a few days to really ponder and soul search and am feeling better. I know my swim is weak and have to realize I just started my official training. This is the first week I've swam 2x a week and I'll be doing that from here on in. I know why I was dizzy- my breathing wasn't correct and I was holding my breath instead of blowing it out underwater. I think this had huge impact. I swam for 26 minutes today and even though I had to stop a few times, I felt much better when I got out of the water.
I have a little more than 11 weeks until my race and have plenty of time to work on the swim. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to try an open water swim so I don't take it for granted on race day.
Friday afternoon I did just that. At least, I think it might have passed for a form of swimming. Now, I've read that if you're planning on doing a triathlon with an open water swim it's imperative to try it beforehand because it's much different than swimming in a pool. I understood that in my mind but really thought it couldn't be that much different. I also assumed I wouldn't have any open water JAWS type issues. I swam in a lake every summer at camp and it never bothered me. I didn't think swimming a triathlon in a lake wouldn't really effect me but thought since there was one sitting right in front of me, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.
I couldn't believe how hard it was. First of all, I couldn't swim straight. I sighted every 4 or so strokes but if I went any further, I was way off to the right. i was laughing to myself (and later on found out my husband was also laughing on shore) when I'd look up to see how off course I was. Then I'd have to swim back to where I was supposed to be. I didn't freak out in the water, but definitely didn't like it. I was afraid to put my feet down even when I know I could touch. My heart rate was elevated throughout the swim and I fatigued much more quickly than I thought I would. I was disappointed that after swimming what felt like forever, it was less than 20 minutes. I have no idea how far I swam but know it wasn't close to what my race will be. When I got out of the water and walked up the beach I was lightheaded and dizzy. I could barely walk, let alone run 3.4 miles!
Initially I was very discouraged. I know my swim is weak- very weak, but I didn't think it would be THAT bad. I was most concerned that I couldn't keep up freestyle and had to go to breaststroke so quickly and that I was so dizzy at the end. I was kind of down the rest of the weekend and really wondered about my ability to do this tri. I've kind of thought all along that if I had to do the race today I could. It wouldn't be pretty but I could do it. I started thinking maybe I was wrong and this is going to be much harder than I anticipated.
I've had a few days to really ponder and soul search and am feeling better. I know my swim is weak and have to realize I just started my official training. This is the first week I've swam 2x a week and I'll be doing that from here on in. I know why I was dizzy- my breathing wasn't correct and I was holding my breath instead of blowing it out underwater. I think this had huge impact. I swam for 26 minutes today and even though I had to stop a few times, I felt much better when I got out of the water.
I have a little more than 11 weeks until my race and have plenty of time to work on the swim. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to try an open water swim so I don't take it for granted on race day.
Monday, May 19, 2008
One more day
Tomorrow is my last day of "Making the Cut" round 2. I haven't been as faithful this round (I probably missed 5 days). I also stopped doing the circuits twice. I wasn't getting stronger, just feeling fatigued and run down. On Wednesday I start my official triathlon training. I have 96 days left until my race. In a way, it feels like a long time; but on the other hand, the way time flies in my life, it's not long at all.
I ended up running the 5K a few weeks ago, and just as I predicted, I didn't do as well. My legs were heavy and I knew from the first mile I was in trouble. My first mile time was 8:40- not what I wanted it to be. The funny thing is I felt like I was really pushing myself. My official time was 26:19 which translates to a 8:28 mile. It's still under 8:30 so I can't be that disappointed. My plan is to stick with the triathlon training for the next few weeks and throw in a 5K on the 4th of July. It's a really hilly course and usually very humid. Last year my pace was 8:30 so I hope to do at least that this year. I don't know if my legs will be tired. I overheard someone at my last race talking about how biking really messes up your legs for running. I guess that explains why the transition from bike to run in a triathlon is supposed to be the hardest.
Speaking of that- I did my first "brick" this past weekend. I biked about 25 minutes and then ran a little over 2 miles. It was a very weird feeling. I read that it's good to run after every bike ride to get your legs used to the transition. I'm going to try doing just that.
I ended up running the 5K a few weeks ago, and just as I predicted, I didn't do as well. My legs were heavy and I knew from the first mile I was in trouble. My first mile time was 8:40- not what I wanted it to be. The funny thing is I felt like I was really pushing myself. My official time was 26:19 which translates to a 8:28 mile. It's still under 8:30 so I can't be that disappointed. My plan is to stick with the triathlon training for the next few weeks and throw in a 5K on the 4th of July. It's a really hilly course and usually very humid. Last year my pace was 8:30 so I hope to do at least that this year. I don't know if my legs will be tired. I overheard someone at my last race talking about how biking really messes up your legs for running. I guess that explains why the transition from bike to run in a triathlon is supposed to be the hardest.
Speaking of that- I did my first "brick" this past weekend. I biked about 25 minutes and then ran a little over 2 miles. It was a very weird feeling. I read that it's good to run after every bike ride to get your legs used to the transition. I'm going to try doing just that.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Race Results- Thank you Jillian!
I finally saw my race results for the 5K I did last month. I had just finished Jillian Michaels 30 day Making the Cut program and wanted to see if I was stronger. I ran 2x a week during her program and my goal was to run somewhere around an 8:30 pace. (Last year my pace for the Women's 4 miler was exactly 8:30 and I was running 3-4 times a week). Anyway, my time was 25:58 which translates to an 8:21 pace. WOW! I am so psyched!
I am a believer in Jillian. (Not that I wasn't before.) I haven't lost a significant amount of weight (5 pounds), but am much stronger and toned. I'm running another 5K next weekend and am afraid it won't be quite so good. I'm in the middle of doing her 30 day program again (day 12) and my body is tired. Plus, I'm doing the circuits twice instead of once. I think I'll probably be fatigued when I run. I probably shouldn't run it, but they have great grab bag prizes at the end and last year I won something. A friend suggested I just run it for fun and not worry about time. Anyone who knows me at all, knows that it's impossible for me to do that. I don't have the ability to restrain myself in a race. Never have and never will.
I am a believer in Jillian. (Not that I wasn't before.) I haven't lost a significant amount of weight (5 pounds), but am much stronger and toned. I'm running another 5K next weekend and am afraid it won't be quite so good. I'm in the middle of doing her 30 day program again (day 12) and my body is tired. Plus, I'm doing the circuits twice instead of once. I think I'll probably be fatigued when I run. I probably shouldn't run it, but they have great grab bag prizes at the end and last year I won something. A friend suggested I just run it for fun and not worry about time. Anyone who knows me at all, knows that it's impossible for me to do that. I don't have the ability to restrain myself in a race. Never have and never will.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Last April Post- I'll do better next month
I'm off to swim again tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Last week I swam for 30 minutes and then hit the jacuzzi. It was awesome! Jillian is still kicking my butt. I'm doing the circuits twice and it's exhausting, but it feels so good when I'm done. After being pretty sore last week, I'm not sore at all so far this week (it's only Tuesday!).
I'm trying to learn more about the swim stroke and also RODE MY BIKE FOR THE FIRST TIME this weekend! It was great. I really enjoyed it. I think it was a huge day for me because I was so scared I would crash or get hit by a car. (That's a whole other post.)
Anyway, three posts for April is pathetic. I will do better.
I'm trying to learn more about the swim stroke and also RODE MY BIKE FOR THE FIRST TIME this weekend! It was great. I really enjoyed it. I think it was a huge day for me because I was so scared I would crash or get hit by a car. (That's a whole other post.)
Anyway, three posts for April is pathetic. I will do better.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
swim update
I survived the swim clinic. It was okay, not great. I didn't get as much one on one attention as I wanted. There were about 15 people there who all seemed to be great swimmers. I admit, I was a little intimidated. I was thinking that there was definitely a time in my life when I would never have attempted to do what I did. I am so introverted that to walk into a place where I don't know anyone in somewhat paralyzing. A few years ago I never would have attempted it. Not a chance. How sad. I was anxious, but much improved from the past.
I learned a lot about stroke mechanics and also found out my kick stinks. I've got a long way to go. I've reflected on a few things in the past days. First- I wish I was on a swim team as a child. My girls are and they are great swimmers. They have great form which will stay with them forever. The guy at the clinic said it's going to be really hard for me to unlearn my kick because it's so ingrained. My girls don't know how lucky they are. Second- when I first got out of the clinic, I was discouraged. I thought about taking swim lessons and how bad I am. I reminded myself that I'm doing a sprint tri. We're not talking Ironman here. I don't need to stress about my swim stroke. Sure, I want to get better, but I think my initial reaction was a little extreme. Reminder to self: I'm in this for the fun.
I learned a lot about stroke mechanics and also found out my kick stinks. I've got a long way to go. I've reflected on a few things in the past days. First- I wish I was on a swim team as a child. My girls are and they are great swimmers. They have great form which will stay with them forever. The guy at the clinic said it's going to be really hard for me to unlearn my kick because it's so ingrained. My girls don't know how lucky they are. Second- when I first got out of the clinic, I was discouraged. I thought about taking swim lessons and how bad I am. I reminded myself that I'm doing a sprint tri. We're not talking Ironman here. I don't need to stress about my swim stroke. Sure, I want to get better, but I think my initial reaction was a little extreme. Reminder to self: I'm in this for the fun.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I'm back!
It is my intent to keep this blog up to date- mostly so I can look back and see where I've been. But.. I just can't do it. It feels like I just started the fitness program, "Making the Cut", but it's been over a month! I need to get a grip!
Now that that's out of the way.... Here's my progress. I made it through the first round of "Making the Cut" and am on my second day of doing the whole thing again. I made some mistakes the first time which I hope to correct. First of all, I only did the full circuit 1x and I'm supposed to do it 2x. My rationale was that I wanted to get in cardio. One time through takes me a little over 30 minutes so two times is tight. I want to try it though. I'll have to find a time later in the day to get my cardio in. (Not that the circuit doesn't count as cardio because I sweat my head off and my heart rate is off the charts!) I need to figure out how to get some triathlon training in. That is why I'm doing this after all! I recruited my friend Barbara to do it with me and I'm excited to have a partner.
Good news! I ran my first 5K of the season last weekend and it felt really good. Even with the limited amount of running I've been doing, I felt strong. I was running 2x a week with a 2 mile run mid week and a 4 miler on the weekend which is not a great amount. I don't know my official time (I forgot to stop my watch at the end), but I'm encouraged! My first mile was 8:30 and my second was 8:24. I had plenty of energy to sprint at the end too. Once they post the results online I'll post tmy time.
I'm off to a swim clinic tonight and am excited to get some feedback on my form. I swam 40 laps last week but it was way too slow!
Now that that's out of the way.... Here's my progress. I made it through the first round of "Making the Cut" and am on my second day of doing the whole thing again. I made some mistakes the first time which I hope to correct. First of all, I only did the full circuit 1x and I'm supposed to do it 2x. My rationale was that I wanted to get in cardio. One time through takes me a little over 30 minutes so two times is tight. I want to try it though. I'll have to find a time later in the day to get my cardio in. (Not that the circuit doesn't count as cardio because I sweat my head off and my heart rate is off the charts!) I need to figure out how to get some triathlon training in. That is why I'm doing this after all! I recruited my friend Barbara to do it with me and I'm excited to have a partner.
Good news! I ran my first 5K of the season last weekend and it felt really good. Even with the limited amount of running I've been doing, I felt strong. I was running 2x a week with a 2 mile run mid week and a 4 miler on the weekend which is not a great amount. I don't know my official time (I forgot to stop my watch at the end), but I'm encouraged! My first mile was 8:30 and my second was 8:24. I had plenty of energy to sprint at the end too. Once they post the results online I'll post tmy time.
I'm off to a swim clinic tonight and am excited to get some feedback on my form. I swam 40 laps last week but it was way too slow!
Friday, March 21, 2008
New Workout Clothes, Baby!
I did it! I made it through the first week! Wow, what a week it was. I've taken a nap every day and had a headache. Yesterday was the first day I was headache free. I'm sure it was my body going through detox. I've had no coffee, no sugar, and no processed food. I think I've turned the corner as far as my energy goes. The workouts are still killing me, and I don't feel stronger. BUT.....
I've lost over 5 pounds! I'm really shocked. I really am. I'm so psyched and it's so motivating. Looking at the scale got me to the gym this morning. (Actually, I was going to go anyway, but it sure made me work out harder!) Something's working, and I just need to stick with it.
My highlights for the week: I've eaten food I've never had before- Fennel (I made it with Salmon and proscuito and I have to say- It was awesome!), Eggplant (with Mahi-Mahi- not so great), and lots of garlic. I've done more pushups than ever before, but I still need to do them the girl way. (Jillian would not be happy with me.) Hopefully, that will improve.
I've got the next two days off and Easter looming. I'm going to try my best to keep it together and not fall off the wagon.
I've lost over 5 pounds! I'm really shocked. I really am. I'm so psyched and it's so motivating. Looking at the scale got me to the gym this morning. (Actually, I was going to go anyway, but it sure made me work out harder!) Something's working, and I just need to stick with it.
My highlights for the week: I've eaten food I've never had before- Fennel (I made it with Salmon and proscuito and I have to say- It was awesome!), Eggplant (with Mahi-Mahi- not so great), and lots of garlic. I've done more pushups than ever before, but I still need to do them the girl way. (Jillian would not be happy with me.) Hopefully, that will improve.
I've got the next two days off and Easter looming. I'm going to try my best to keep it together and not fall off the wagon.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
End of one challenge, start of another
It's been a long time since I posted here. I can never seem to find the time. I have a million ideas in my head- I just need someone to reach in there and pull them out and post them here!
So... the challenge between me and my hubby... I unofficially won. He lasted about 3 days and then fell off the wagon. I did really well for the first week but when he jumped ship and then bought himself two pairs of shorts (supposed to be our prize!), I kind of lost my motivation. I still lost two pounds.
That's the good news. The bad news is we went on our vacation and I gained both pounds back. I ate so, so, so, so poorly. I did manage to exercise, so I guess it could have been worse. I celebrated my birthday in FL and got Jillian Michael's book, "Making the Cut". Which leads me to the real topic of this post.
New challenge. I decided to try Jillian's 30 day workout plan. It's basically circut training 4 days a week and an eating plan. I'm going to try my best to follow it all for 30 days. My hubby decided to give me some extra incentive: Every week I complete it exactly, I can buy something for my workouts. That's huge for me! I'm highly motivated! I'm on my third day and the workouts are brutal. I've followed the whole program it to a T and I'm very tired and sore. I actually had a moment when I was trying to do this exercise called Mountain Climbers, (kind of like climbing a really steep mountain on your hands and feet) and I could hear Jillian yelling at me. I was half laughing (I was in too much pain to really laugh). Picture me trying to lift my leg and not being able to. I just couldn't! In my head Jillian is yelling at me to do another one and I couldn't. In the end, I collapsed on the floor in exhaustion. I think I got a tiny glimpse of what the contestents on The Biggest Loser go through.
So, I've got 27 and a half more days. I haven't been this sore in a long, long time. I'm really interested to see what results I can get. Today is my off day from the circuts, but tomorrow it's back to the torture!
So... the challenge between me and my hubby... I unofficially won. He lasted about 3 days and then fell off the wagon. I did really well for the first week but when he jumped ship and then bought himself two pairs of shorts (supposed to be our prize!), I kind of lost my motivation. I still lost two pounds.
That's the good news. The bad news is we went on our vacation and I gained both pounds back. I ate so, so, so, so poorly. I did manage to exercise, so I guess it could have been worse. I celebrated my birthday in FL and got Jillian Michael's book, "Making the Cut". Which leads me to the real topic of this post.
New challenge. I decided to try Jillian's 30 day workout plan. It's basically circut training 4 days a week and an eating plan. I'm going to try my best to follow it all for 30 days. My hubby decided to give me some extra incentive: Every week I complete it exactly, I can buy something for my workouts. That's huge for me! I'm highly motivated! I'm on my third day and the workouts are brutal. I've followed the whole program it to a T and I'm very tired and sore. I actually had a moment when I was trying to do this exercise called Mountain Climbers, (kind of like climbing a really steep mountain on your hands and feet) and I could hear Jillian yelling at me. I was half laughing (I was in too much pain to really laugh). Picture me trying to lift my leg and not being able to. I just couldn't! In my head Jillian is yelling at me to do another one and I couldn't. In the end, I collapsed on the floor in exhaustion. I think I got a tiny glimpse of what the contestents on The Biggest Loser go through.
So, I've got 27 and a half more days. I haven't been this sore in a long, long time. I'm really interested to see what results I can get. Today is my off day from the circuts, but tomorrow it's back to the torture!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
As I started my triathlon training, my goal was to use the winter to build a base and start serious training in the spring. I've got about 15 pounds to drop and thought the base phase was a good time to do so. The only problem is, I haven't dropped a pound. I've been working out since November and haven't lost a single ounce, in fact I've gained. Now, I know my problem. I'm a horrible eater. It's a good thing I do workout because if I didn't I'd have a lot more pounds to lose. I just can't seem to be able to put the whole thing together. I've got to lose this weight!
If you know me at all, you know my favorite show in the whole world is The Biggest Loser. My husband thinks I'm obsessed (he's right). I listen to Jillian Michaels podcasts when I work out and just love to see people transform their lives. If I had the chance to redo my youth, I'd be a physical therapist or personal trainer. I would LOVE to be on The Biggest Loser or even have Jillian or Bob train me for a week... or six. I know that's impossible so I try to come up with creative ways to motivate myself.
So.. I called my husband at work today and issued the following challenge. We have exactly two weeks until we leave on vacation. We will both weigh ourselves in the morning and the one who drops the biggest percentage of weight between now and then (March 7th) wins. The first question he asked is "What do you win?" I hadn't even thought of that! For me, it's all about the challenge. I'll have to think of something good. I know I'm going to lose, but that's okay. I'm really just looking for something to motivate me and get me going on the right track again. I probably won't post my actual weight here, but hopefully I'll be able to say I lost weight two weeks from now. Bring it on!
If you know me at all, you know my favorite show in the whole world is The Biggest Loser. My husband thinks I'm obsessed (he's right). I listen to Jillian Michaels podcasts when I work out and just love to see people transform their lives. If I had the chance to redo my youth, I'd be a physical therapist or personal trainer. I would LOVE to be on The Biggest Loser or even have Jillian or Bob train me for a week... or six. I know that's impossible so I try to come up with creative ways to motivate myself.
So.. I called my husband at work today and issued the following challenge. We have exactly two weeks until we leave on vacation. We will both weigh ourselves in the morning and the one who drops the biggest percentage of weight between now and then (March 7th) wins. The first question he asked is "What do you win?" I hadn't even thought of that! For me, it's all about the challenge. I'll have to think of something good. I know I'm going to lose, but that's okay. I'm really just looking for something to motivate me and get me going on the right track again. I probably won't post my actual weight here, but hopefully I'll be able to say I lost weight two weeks from now. Bring it on!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Breaking it in
This post is a little dated. I just can't find the time to get my thoughts down...
The day after bringing my bike home (I've got to come up with a name for her), I was just itching to get her out and try out my clipless pedals. I had been trying them in the house and thought I was ready for the road. Picture this: my bike in the dining room, all four girls watching me as my hubby holds the bike and I try to clip in. It took me about four times, including getting off the bike and sticking my foot in so I could see where it was going. It was so windy outside that I knew I would be blown off the bike, so I decided to wait.
The next day it was cold, but not windy. My little one was sick so I was stuck holding a cranky baby (she's not really a baby but she's the youngest so...) all morning. When she went down for her nap I saw my chance. I told my older girls I was going for a quick ride. I added to my oldest that she was supposed to watch me from the window and if I fell it was her job to make sure I was okay. Off I dashed. I was coasting down the driveway with my right foot clipped in but unable to get my left one. I was running out of pavement and knew I needed to stop and start over. I remembered the guy at the bike shop saying how important it was to make sure you leaned the way of the unclipped foot when stopping, so I leaned to the left and stopped. No problem. Okay, now to just start again and get my left foot clipped this time. I pushed off with my right foot already clipped (I see my mistake now!) and pushed too hard. It was like slow motion. I felt myself tilting too far to the right, (those same words of the saleskid going through my head) and now I was helpless. I fell. I had gravel ground into my hand, a sore right knee and two deep purple brusises on my bottom.
In retrospect, I wonder why it never even occurred to me to unclip my right foot. As I was lying on the ground looking up at the sky, I thought "I'm glad I got this out of the way now and not during transition". Of course that was after I thought "What an idiot I am?! and "I feel so stupid!", and "OUCH!" My daughter did come out to make sure I was okay and gave me a big dose of encouragement when I was able to get both feet clipped on my next try. I'm going to chalk it up to inexperience and hope it doesn't happen again.
The day after bringing my bike home (I've got to come up with a name for her), I was just itching to get her out and try out my clipless pedals. I had been trying them in the house and thought I was ready for the road. Picture this: my bike in the dining room, all four girls watching me as my hubby holds the bike and I try to clip in. It took me about four times, including getting off the bike and sticking my foot in so I could see where it was going. It was so windy outside that I knew I would be blown off the bike, so I decided to wait.
The next day it was cold, but not windy. My little one was sick so I was stuck holding a cranky baby (she's not really a baby but she's the youngest so...) all morning. When she went down for her nap I saw my chance. I told my older girls I was going for a quick ride. I added to my oldest that she was supposed to watch me from the window and if I fell it was her job to make sure I was okay. Off I dashed. I was coasting down the driveway with my right foot clipped in but unable to get my left one. I was running out of pavement and knew I needed to stop and start over. I remembered the guy at the bike shop saying how important it was to make sure you leaned the way of the unclipped foot when stopping, so I leaned to the left and stopped. No problem. Okay, now to just start again and get my left foot clipped this time. I pushed off with my right foot already clipped (I see my mistake now!) and pushed too hard. It was like slow motion. I felt myself tilting too far to the right, (those same words of the saleskid going through my head) and now I was helpless. I fell. I had gravel ground into my hand, a sore right knee and two deep purple brusises on my bottom.
In retrospect, I wonder why it never even occurred to me to unclip my right foot. As I was lying on the ground looking up at the sky, I thought "I'm glad I got this out of the way now and not during transition". Of course that was after I thought "What an idiot I am?! and "I feel so stupid!", and "OUCH!" My daughter did come out to make sure I was okay and gave me a big dose of encouragement when I was able to get both feet clipped on my next try. I'm going to chalk it up to inexperience and hope it doesn't happen again.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
New Bike!

I did it!! I made the purchase I have been looking forward to and dreading at the same time. I bought the bike I will use for my triathlon. Why the conflicting emotions? Well, first of all, how can you not get excited purchasing a new bike? It is so cool! I got a great deal on a Team Fuji 06. One the one hand, I think it's too much bike for me (I feel funny riding such a good bike), but on the other hand, it was the same price as the lower end model I was considering. I spent more than three hours looking at bikes, test riding them and talking to guys much younger than me who used lots of technical words I didn't understand. (And this was my third trip to a bike shop.) After much consideration (and if you know my husband, you know I mean much!), we went for it. We picked it up Sunday after I bought clipless pedals (a story in itself!). It was very exciting. So... since we walked out of the bike shop, Kevin has been asking me over and over if I'm excited. My tentative answer leads me to the dreading part of the purchase.
I'm officially committed to doing the tri now. It was easy to say I'm planning on doing a tri without investing financially in it. I have running shoes and a swim suit, but buying the bike made a big dent in our budget. Not only that, but to justify the cost of the bike, I will need to do many more tri's and love them. Now, I'm fully expecting to love this sport. It's so me. However, I have this lingering fear that I'll hate it. I guess I have to get the first one under my belt to find out.
So, in answer to Kevin's question- yes, I'm excited. I have a way cool bike that I love and will serve me well. I'm officially ready to train for something that I think will stretch me and challenge me in ways I've never dreamed of. Although I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, I can't wait!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
New Shoes
I got a pair of new running shoes today. They're the brand spankin' new version of Nike Structure Triax. The same shoes I've been using for the past few years. I know, no big deal right? Wrong. I LOVE getting new running shoes. The fact that these are the newly designed version is icing on the cake. Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved new shoes. Not just any new shoes. New athletic shoes. Give me a pair of the latest stlye of casual shoes and I won't turn them away, but they don't bring the excitement new atheletic shoes do. Weird huh?.
I think new running shoes are like a new start. I can run just a little bit faster in them. They have a little more bounce. Can anyone relate to not wanting to get new sneakers dirty? Like the dirt will ruin them and then they won't help me run as fast? I know, there are some serious therapy issues here. I'm not worried about that just yet. Right now I'm going to take my brand new running shoes and give them a try on the treadmill. (I wouldn't want to chance getting them dirty by running outside!)
I think new running shoes are like a new start. I can run just a little bit faster in them. They have a little more bounce. Can anyone relate to not wanting to get new sneakers dirty? Like the dirt will ruin them and then they won't help me run as fast? I know, there are some serious therapy issues here. I'm not worried about that just yet. Right now I'm going to take my brand new running shoes and give them a try on the treadmill. (I wouldn't want to chance getting them dirty by running outside!)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
What am I doing???
Oaky, my sister is blog happy. She has three separate blogs going. I love reading her blogs. As I was driving home from running errands today I thought, "I want a blog." I've actually thought about it before but didn't think I had enough computer savvy to start. Well, if she can do it- so can I! (yes, I'm the younger sister). I've wanted to blog about my passion which is running, but thought "Who would be interested in that?!" Welll- I'm interested- and that's all that really matters. If I can track my journey and I'm the only one who ever reads it then I'll be happy. So here goes.....
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