Thursday, April 24, 2008

swim update

I survived the swim clinic. It was okay, not great. I didn't get as much one on one attention as I wanted. There were about 15 people there who all seemed to be great swimmers. I admit, I was a little intimidated. I was thinking that there was definitely a time in my life when I would never have attempted to do what I did. I am so introverted that to walk into a place where I don't know anyone in somewhat paralyzing. A few years ago I never would have attempted it. Not a chance. How sad. I was anxious, but much improved from the past.

I learned a lot about stroke mechanics and also found out my kick stinks. I've got a long way to go. I've reflected on a few things in the past days. First- I wish I was on a swim team as a child. My girls are and they are great swimmers. They have great form which will stay with them forever. The guy at the clinic said it's going to be really hard for me to unlearn my kick because it's so ingrained. My girls don't know how lucky they are. Second- when I first got out of the clinic, I was discouraged. I thought about taking swim lessons and how bad I am. I reminded myself that I'm doing a sprint tri. We're not talking Ironman here. I don't need to stress about my swim stroke. Sure, I want to get better, but I think my initial reaction was a little extreme. Reminder to self: I'm in this for the fun.

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