I did it!! I made the purchase I have been looking forward to and dreading at the same time. I bought the bike I will use for my triathlon. Why the conflicting emotions? Well, first of all, how can you not get excited purchasing a new bike? It is so cool! I got a great deal on a Team Fuji 06. One the one hand, I think it's too much bike for me (I feel funny riding such a good bike), but on the other hand, it was the same price as the lower end model I was considering. I spent more than three hours looking at bikes, test riding them and talking to guys much younger than me who used lots of technical words I didn't understand. (And this was my third trip to a bike shop.) After much consideration (and if you know my husband, you know I mean much!), we went for it. We picked it up Sunday after I bought clipless pedals (a story in itself!). It was very exciting. So... since we walked out of the bike shop, Kevin has been asking me over and over if I'm excited. My tentative answer leads me to the dreading part of the purchase.
I'm officially committed to doing the tri now. It was easy to say I'm planning on doing a tri without investing financially in it. I have running shoes and a swim suit, but buying the bike made a big dent in our budget. Not only that, but to justify the cost of the bike, I will need to do many more tri's and love them. Now, I'm fully expecting to love this sport. It's so me. However, I have this lingering fear that I'll hate it. I guess I have to get the first one under my belt to find out.
So, in answer to Kevin's question- yes, I'm excited. I have a way cool bike that I love and will serve me well. I'm officially ready to train for something that I think will stretch me and challenge me in ways I've never dreamed of. Although I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, I can't wait!
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