I went out exploring BY MYSELF! I have it admit, it was awesome. I was so proud of myself. The only bad thing is that it was during a torrential downpour. I had an umbrella and a rain coat and I was still soaked. I stepped in two huge puddles and my left foot got soaked. So.. I wasn't out for as long as I'd hoped.
Thursday afternoon we spent 4 hours waiting through a Yankees rain delay. I was freezing and hungry and Kev didn't want to eat at the ballpark. After much deliberation (and calling friends and family to check the weather for me) we decided to leave. You need to know the Yankees have a policy that once you leave the stadium you can't get back in. Well, of course, it stopped raining and they played the game after almost 5 1/2 hours. We were bummed because our seats were awesome. However, I did not come to NYC to sit watching a baseball game for over 8 hours. We went back to our hotel room and watched it on TV. They lost.
Yesterday we decided to get my long run in. It was supposed to be today but weather.com was predicting 80% chance of rain. We headed to Central Park to do a 5.25 mile loop 2x. It started out overcast and very humid and the sun eventually came out. Kevin did the first loop with me but I was on my own for the second. It was really tough. I was soaked- completely. I ran the whole thing and it was such a good feeling to finish. The best part about that run was finishing it! I feel bad for the people on our subway car who had to smell us. On a side note- I got some very interesting looks on the way to Central Park because of my "bat belt" as Kevin calls it.

It was funny because I was thinking "Of all the strange things I've seen, you people think my fuel belt is weird?"