Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yoga green bean style

92 minutes of yoga is not what makes me look forward to the day. That's a long time to do something you don't like. Let me rephrase that. It's not that I don't like yoga. I actually think it's beautiful to watch- watch being the operative word here. I stink at yoga. All those moves that look so graceful on other people, look dumb on me. I am not the picture of graceful. I have a memory from when I was on the high school tennis team playing doubles with my sister She lovingly (that's how I look at it anyway) referred to me as "a jumping green bean" when I jumped for an overhead shot. That description does not conjure up images of grace. Green beans aren't graceful. I am not graceful and I'm okay with that (usually).

So I woke up at 4:30 AM and planted my green bean self in front of the TV this morning and attempted to do the P90X version of yoga. Gracefully. For 92 minutes. It wasn't graceful. It wasn't even close. But I did it (well, most of it anyway). And it was hard- really hard. Forget green beans, I was looking and feeling like spaghetti when I was done. Legs were shaking, and I was pouring sweat. But that's okay. I reminded myself that this is about the journey. I'm doing it and that's what matters. It may not be pretty and it may be really hard, but at the end of the day I attempted something and did it and I'm more than okay with that.

1 comment:

Mama Fish said...

LOL! Oh that was so funny! I totally do not remember calling you that. At all. I think you made it up. No, on second thought, probably not. The picture does fit in my mind.

Hey, green beans when they are left to sit in the fridge for a long time become very bendy. (I've had experience with this). So those bendy green beans are an awful lot like yoga. Right? Just sayin'..... :-)