Saturday, May 29, 2010

"3-It's a magic number." Schoolhouse Rock

Yup. 3. Today, it's MY magic number. 3 pounds gone. Not a huge number, but huge for me. I'm happy. I worked my tail off this week and it's good to see some results. One week down, 9 to go.

I'm a little bit nervous about this week. One week of hard work is relatively easy, as in I can do anything for 1 week. I have to keep this up and I think it might be more difficult this week. My husband has been awesome in encouraging me so I'm going to really count on his help this week. One day at a time is all I can do. I'm not looking back.

1 comment:

Mama Fish said...

Yay!! Three pounds for you is awesome!!! You can do it!!